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AI’s Mid-Market Makeover in Financial Services

Blanc Labs

AI’s Mid-Market Makeover in Financial Services



Mid-sized financial services institutions (FIs) are facing significant challenges during this period of rapid technological change, particularly with the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). As customer expectations grow, smaller banks and lenders must stay competitive and responsive. Canada’s largest financial institutions are already advancing in AI, while many others remain in ‘observer’ mode, hesitant to invest and experiment. Yet, mid-sized FIs that adopt the right strategy have unique agility, allowing them to adapt swiftly and efficiently to technological disruptions—even more so than their larger counterparts.

This report explores how AI can tackle these challenges by transforming operations and generating substantial value across departments and business lines. We present a detailed approach for identifying, prioritizing, and implementing AI use cases, empowering mid-sized financial institutions to maintain a competitive edge in the fast-changing financial industry.

AI offers a major opportunity to enhance productivity, personalize customer interactions, improve decision-making, and create new business models. Successful AI integration requires a balanced, strategic approach that aligns with business goals and carefully evaluates potential risks.

Several challenges facing mid-sized financial services companies

In a time of rapid technological advancements and changing market conditions, mid-sized financial services companies are at a crossroads. They must meet rising customer expectations and deal with growing competition, presenting them with unique challenges that can either hinder their growth or drive them to seek new opportunities. Here are the top four challenges in this area:

Rising Customer Expectations

Competitive Pressures

Workforce Dynamics and People Constraints

Technology and AI Disruption

In this exploration, we look at how mid-sized FIs can use AI to overcome challenges and improve operations and customer engagement. In a following article, we will prioritize AI use cases to help these institutions make informed decisions. 

Creating Value Across All Departments

Amid the challenges faced by mid-sized financial firms, AI stands out as a key driver of progress. It enables transformative change, boosts operational efficiency, personalizes customer interactions, enhances decision-making, and fosters the development of new business models. By addressing these challenges, AI has the potential to create significant differentiation and impact every aspect of the business.

Here’s how AI can boost businesses:

Productivity Customer Decision making Business model
Increase Productivity and Efficiency Personalize Customer Experiences Augment Decision Making Invent New Business Models

Increase Productivity & Efficiency

AI-driven tools are revolutionizing operational workflows by streamlining processes and reducing manual intervention. Through intelligent document processing, regulatory compliance monitoring, and process automation, financial services firms can achieve unprecedented levels of productivity. By leveraging AI-powered copilots to augment humans in tasks like email management and coding modernization, organizations can optimize their day-to-day operations and enable their workforce to focus on higher-value activities.

Personalize Customer Experience

In today’s competitive market, personalization is key to customer satisfaction, and AI is at the forefront of this capability. With AI-powered sentiment analysis and recommendation engines, financial services companies can tailor services and products to meet individual customer needs more effectively. Furthermore, AI-driven customer engagement tools, from text-to-video communications to generative experiences, enable businesses to create seamless, personalized journeys that enhance customer loyalty and retention.

Augment Decision Making

AI augments decision-making processes by providing real-time, data-driven insights that enhance business strategies. From underwriting assistance to dynamic pricing and risk scoring, AI enables financial institutions and other businesses to make informed decisions faster and more accurately. By integrating AI in areas like fraud detection and smart financial advisory, companies can mitigate risks while optimizing their decision-making processes, leading to improved outcomes and competitive advantage.

Invent New Business Models

AI is not just about optimizing existing processes; it also drives the creation of entirely new business models. For example. the advent of AI-powered embedded finance and autonomous lending platforms demonstrates how AI can unlock new revenue streams and business opportunities. Through insights-as-a-service offerings and new partnership value streams, organizations can capitalize on their data, leverage AI to explore untapped markets, and invent business models that could disrupt traditional banks and lenders.

In a subsequent article, we’ll explore these topics in depth, breaking them down with detailed explanations and real-world use cases.

GenAI Value Creation: Aspiration vs. Reality

As financial institutions navigate the complex landscape of AI adoption, two distinct sentiments emerge, each underpinned by its own set of expectations and concerns.

On one hand, the optimists in the financial sector view GenAI as a revolutionary force capable of driving significant industry changes. This group is excited by the potential for:

True Hyper-personalization: Tailoring products and services to individual preferences and needs for every single customer.

Maximum Customer Experience: Leveraging conversational AI to improve service quality and user engagement across all channels.

Automation Everywhere: Implementing AI-driven processes to streamline operations and reduce the need for manual and paper-based work.

Giant Productivity Leaps: Increasing efficiency & effectiveness across all organizational levels, by augmenting employees to focus on the highest value activities.

Zero-Fraud Financial Systems: Using advanced AI algorithms to detect and prevent fraud in real-time.

These optimists are encouraged by projections suggesting that GenAI could unlock over $1 trillion in banking revenue by 2030[1], signaling a major shift in how financial services are structured and delivered. Moreover, 75% of executives anticipate that GenAI will drive disruptive changes within the industry over the next three years.[2]

Conversely, the skeptics approach GenAI with caution, emphasizing the potential pitfalls over the promised perks. Their concerns include:

Boom & Bust Cycles: Risk of overinvestments driving unsustainable growth, low ROI, and financial problems down the road, as was the case with several technology waves in the past decades.

Reliability Issues: Worries about the limitations and flaws of new GenAI technologies, and their impact on mission-critical financial processes where the room for error is very small.

Regulatory Constraints: Challenges to AI growth due to evolving, stringent regulations across local and federal jurisdictions in financial services.

Security and Privacy Risks: Increased risk of cyber threats, data privacy concerns, and potential bias as AI continues to handle and process more sensitive information on customers and employees.

Overpromise, Underdeliver: Many worry about the prospect of AI failing to meet the current hype, and see in it an over-marketed tech that is less revolutionary that it seems.

Interestingly, despite the much touted prospects of AI, a significant 66% of executives surveyed express ambivalence or dissatisfaction with their organization’s progress in AI integration, highlighting a gap between expectation and execution.[3]

Embracing AI Optimism with Prudence

Broadening Our AI Understanding
Evaluating AI’s Imperfections
Looking Beyond the Present
Avoiding Common Pitfalls

AI encompasses a wide array of tools and capabilities, including battle-tested solutions based on both predictive and generative AI. Recognizing the full range of AI technologies will enable us to leverage the most effective solutions for our specific needs.

Like humans, AI is not infallible—it makes mistakes. However, combining human oversight with GenAI’s capabilities could enhance our decision-making processes beyond what’s achievable by human efforts alone.

The rapid progress of AI means what’s cutting-edge today might be outdated tomorrow. We should consider the potential of future AI developments, much like how each model (e.g. GPT-4o) has expanded on the capabilities of its predecessors. Looking into the not-so-distant future, imagine what GPT-14 would be capable of vs. GPT-4.

AI isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, and should not be treated solely as a technology problem. Rather than adopting AI for its own sake, it’s vital to focus on strategic AI use cases that align with our specific business goals.

The Spectrum of AI Adoption in Financial Services: Where Companies Stand

In the financial services sector, firms vary significantly in their approach and adoption of artificial intelligence. This diversity is best understood through four distinct groups: Observers, Experimenters, Implementers, and Innovators. Each category defines the group’s current engagement with AI technologies and also underscores its strategic vision and operational readiness for future disruptions.




Many observers are choosing to wait for large, proven returns on investment (ROI) and clearer technology convergence before diving into AI. While this cautious stance lets them learn from early adopters, it risks putting these FIs behind competitors who are seizing AI-driven advantages now.


Experimenting FIs are cautiously dipping their toes into AI through small-scale projects and pilot programs, testing the waters to gauge capabilities and potential benefits without diving into full-scale implementation. This approach nurtures a culture of learning and adaptability, but without a comprehensive strategy, its impact and scalability may remain limited.


Implementers are more advanced in their AI journey, embedding AI systems within specific departments and processes to generate tangible business value. These FIs are building significant AI capabilities and gaining advantages in differentiation and operational efficiency. However, their challenge is to scale these benefits across the entire organization to prevent siloed success and ensure widespread impact.


Innovators are embedding comprehensive AI strategies across their business models, reshaping their operations and potentially revolutionizing the financial services industry for a powerful competitive edge. However, this ambitious approach comes with heightened risks and substantial investments, making the journey to success both challenging and uncertain.

Competitive AI Landscape: Lessons from Canada’s Big Financial Institutions 

As mid-sized FIs consider the question of AI, it’s crucial to recognize the significant strides made by Canada’s largest banks. Notably, three of the Big Five banks are ranked among the top ten globally for AI maturity [4], showcasing their leadership in using AI to transform financial services. Here’s how some of these banks are creating competitive advantage with AI: 

Ranked among the top three globally for AI maturity, RBC owns Borealis AI, a dedicated research and development institute. It has launched AI-driven products like Aiden for trading and NOMI for personal finance management, and utilizes AI to enhance internal processes and modernize legacy systems. 
With its AI R&D center, Layer 6, TD has grown its AI talent to over 200 professionals and is developing over 50 AI solutions across its business lines. It is the leading patent filer in AI among Canadian FIs (450+ AI-related patent filings) and uses predictive AI models to pre-approve mortgages in seconds, demonstrating a strong commitment to integrating AI across its operations.[5]
Winner of the Best Gen-AI Initiative by The Digital Banker 2024, CIBC has developed its own custom built ‘CIBA AI system to improve productivity and enable staff to focus on high-value activities. The introduction of tools like GitHub CoPilot boosts developer efficiency, and the bank plans to significantly expand its data and AI workforce by hiring 200+ related roles over the next 12 months.[6]
Scotiabank’s customer-facing AI chatbot handles 40% of queries with a 90% accuracy rate and has significantly sped up agent training. The bank has also launched a global AI platform to enhance customer insights across all touchpoints and employs large language models to improve employee experiences.[7]
BMO considers AI integral to its bank strategy. Its mobile app provides AI-driven personalized insights to improve customer engagement, its ‘Digital Workbench’ offers real-time analytics for commercial clients, and its contact centers’ service quality is boosted through NLP tech. Last year, it upskilled over 3,500 employees through learning & development programs centered on AI and cloud. Externally, BMO demonstrated commitment to AI by sponsoring the ‘Next AI accelerator.[8]


Strategic Imperative for Mid-Sized FIs 

The AI advancements by Canada’s largest banks illustrate a clear trend: AI is not just a technological upgrade but a strategic necessity. Mid-sized FIs must recognize the need to keep pace and innovate beyond traditional technologies and models. Key actions for staying ahead include: 

  1. Accelerated AI Adoption and Scale-Up: Mid-sized FIs need to prioritize their own AI roadmaps and seek opportunities to rapidly scale adoption of AI solutions across various departments. 
  2. Target High-Value AI Applications: Focus on areas where AI can quickly deliver the most significant returns, such as improving customer experience and increasing operational efficiency – before exploring how AI can enable the development of new financial products & services. 
  3. Invest in AI Talent and Partnerships: Expand internal capabilities by hiring AI specialists and consider partnerships with AI tech & service providers to tap into external expertise. 
  4. Monitor and Adapt Best Practices: Keep a close eye on industry leaders and continuously adapt their AI best practices to suit smaller scale operations and unique market demands. 

By embracing these strategies, mid-sized FIs can respond to the competitive pressures exerted by larger banks and carve out their own niche in the rapidly evolving financial landscape. 

Competitive AI Landscape: Lessons from Canada’s Big Financial Institutions 

As mid-sized FIs consider the question of AI, it’s crucial to recognize the significant strides made by Canada’s largest banks. Notably, three of the Big Five banks are ranked among the top ten globally for AI maturity [4], showcasing their leadership in using AI to transform financial services. Here’s how some of these banks are creating competitive advantage with AI: 

Ranked among the top three globally for AI maturity, RBC owns Borealis AI, a dedicated research institute. It has launched AI-driven products like Aiden for trading and NOMI for personal finance management, and utilizes AI to enhance internal processes and modernize legacy systems. 

With its AI R&D center, Layer 6, TD has grown its AI talent to over 200 professionals and is developing over 50 AI solutions across its business lines. It is the leading patent filer in AI among  Canadian FIs (450+ AI-related patent filings) and uses predictive AI models to pre-approve mortgages in seconds, demonstrating a strong commitment to integrating AI across its operations.[5]

Winner of the Best Gen-AI Initiative by The Digital Banker 2024, CIBC has developed its own custom built ‘CIBA AI system to improve productivity and enable staff to focus on high-value activities. The introduction of tools like GitHub CoPilot boosts developer efficiency, and the bank plans to significantly expand its data and AI workforce by hiring 200+ related roles over the next 12 months.[6]

Scotiabank’s customer-facing AI chatbot handles 40% of queries with a 90% accuracy rate and has significantly sped up agent training. The bank has also launched a global AI platform to enhance customer insights across all touchpoints and employs large language models to improve employee experiences.[7]

BMO considers AI integral to its bank strategy. Its mobile app provides AI-driven personalized insights to improve customer engagement, its ‘Digital Workbench’ offers real-time analytics for commercial clients, and its contact centers’ service quality is boosted through NLP tech. Last year, it upskilled over 3,500 employees through learning & development programs centered on AI and cloud. Externally, BMO demonstrated commitment to AI by sponsoring the ‘Next AI accelerator.[8]


Strategic Imperative for Mid-Sized FIs 

The AI advancements by Canada’s largest banks illustrate a clear trend: AI is not just a technological upgrade but a strategic necessity. Mid-sized FIs must feel the urgency to not only catch up but also innovate beyond traditional models to remain competitive. The following strategic actions are recommended: 

  1. Rapid AI Adoption and Scale-Up: Mid-sized FIs need to prioritize AI adoption and seek opportunities to scale AI solutions across their operations quickly. 
  2. Focus on High-Impact AI Applications: Identify areas where AI can create significant value, such as enhancing customer experience, improving operational efficiency, and developing new financial products. 
  3. Invest in AI Talent and Partnerships: Expand internal capabilities by hiring AI specialists and consider partnerships with AI tech & services firms to leverage external expertise. 
  4. Monitor and Adapt Best Practices: Keep a close eye on industry leaders and continuously adapt their AI best practices to suit smaller scale operations and unique market demands.


By embracing these strategies, mid-sized FIs can respond to the competitive pressures exerted by larger banks and carve out their own niche in the rapidly evolving financial landscape. 


The financial services industry is at a turning point, especially for mid-sized FIs. Adopting AI is no longer a choice but a necessity to remain competitive and meet the growing demands of the market. With extensive experience working with mid-sized FIs, Blanc Labs recognizes the transformative potential AI brings—from boosting operational efficiency to tailoring customer experiences and introducing new business models. As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, it’s crucial that these institutions take decisive action to leverage these tools. By embracing AI now, your organization can gain a competitive advantage, fuel growth, and position itself for long-term success in an increasingly fast-paced industry. 

The next article in this series will explore real-world examples of AI in action within financial services and offer a structured approach to identifying and prioritizing the most impactful AI applications for mid-sized FIs.

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Process Improvement and Automation Support the Mission at Trez Capital 🚀

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Trez distributes capital based on very specific criteria. But with over 300 investments in their portfolio, they process numerous payment requests and deal with documents in varied data formats. They saw an opportunity to enhance efficiency, improve task management, and better utilize data insights for strategic decision-making.

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Process Improvement and Automation Support the Mission at Trez Capital 🚀

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Trez Capital

Trez distributes capital based on very specific criteria. But with over 300 investments in their portfolio, they process numerous payment requests and deal with documents in varied data formats. They saw an opportunity to enhance efficiency, improve task management, and better utilize data insights for strategic decision-making.

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Process Improvement and Automation Support the Mission at Trez Capital 🚀


Case Studies

Process Improvement and Automation Support the Mission at Trez Capital 🚀

Blanc Labs, Trez Capital and Microsoft Azure logos


As a leading North American real estate lending firm, investment management, loan accounting, and loan disbursements are at the core of Trez Capital’s operations. The firm distributes capital based on very specific criteria. But with over 300 investments in one quarter alone, they process numerous payment requests and deal with documents in varied data formats.

Trez was relying on manual processes and email for document handling of mission critical workflow which offered an opportunity to enhance security and reduce disbursement cycle times, thereby improving efficiency and customer satisfaction.

people working
people working
people working
On-time Payments with New Solution
Fewer Approvals Required with Process Redesign
Reduction in Cycle Time
Fewer Errors in Payments Workflow

Our Vision for Streamlined Payment Processes

Working with Trez team members, we developed a vision for the future of payment disbursement for real estate investment firms. We are focused on solutions that prioritize user-friendliness, easy customization and configuration, automated workflows, and seamless collaboration with external parties.

Trez Solution Approach

Joel Oakden
VP, Chief Accounting Officer

Blanc Labs delivered a quality solution in a short period of time. They worked closely with our team and were able to adapt to our changing timelines. They have been very supportive in the post-deployment process too. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Blanc Labs.

Redesigning the Payments Approval Process

The solution involved a comprehensive redesign of the approval process, starting with interviews with senior stakeholders to understand their views on the current process and its operational impact. We then created various payment scenarios, considering factors like amount, bank, and wire templates, to assess the effectiveness of multilevel approvals.

Aligning with Trez’s Enterprise Technology Strategy and Solution Approach

As a leading Microsoft partner to Financial Services firms, Blanc Labs used cutting-edge enterprise tools such as Power Automate, Power Apps and Power BI to deliver streamlined business processes, enhance workflow efficiency, and reduce manual interventions in the new loan payments solution for Trez.

The Trez Capital Payments solution utilizes Microsoft Power Apps and Power Automate to create a centralized platform that simplifies the management of payment requests, approvals, and communication. Microsoft Power Apps enables rapid application development through a low-code/no-code environment, focusing on functionalities like loan information management, and request and approval workflows.

Microsoft Power Apps provides a rapid low-code/no-code solution for application development, encompassing key functionalities such as loan information management, request and approval creation, and settings configuration.

High Level Payments Solution Architecture

Trez solution architecture

Adopting a Data Driven Approach to Continuous Improvement

For enhanced performance management, we’ve implemented a robust dashboard using Microsoft PowerBI, empowering Trez Capital with comprehensive insights into their processes and performance

The dashboard showcases a range of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) derived from activity data within the tool. These include generic transactional metrics such as the number of requests processed per day and the total amount of payments processed per day. In addition to these, the dashboard provides process quality KPIs like the cycle time for processing payments and the percentage of payments circled back to initiators.


Process Improvement and Automation Support with Blanc Labs

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Trez Capital

Trez distributes capital based on very specific criteria. But with over 300 investments in their portfolio, they process numerous payment requests and deal with documents in varied data formats. They saw an opportunity to enhance efficiency, improve task management, and better utilize data insights for strategic decision-making.

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Blanc Labs and TCG Process have partnered to transform lending operations with innovative automation solutions, using the DocProStar platform to enhance efficiency, compliance, and customer satisfaction in the Canadian lending market.

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BPI in Banking and Financial Services in the US & Canada

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Business Process Improvement in Financial Services in US & Canada

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Business process improvement vs. reengineering is a tough choice. In this guide, we help you choose between the two based on four factors.

Financial Services
Business Process Improvement

What is the role of a Business Process Improvement Specialist? 

February 16, 2024
Learn More
Business Process Improvement Specialist in Canada

A business process improvement specialist identifies bottlenecks and inefficiencies in your workflows, allowing you to focus efforts on automating the right processes.

Financial Services
API Management
Open Banking
Financial Services

Open Banking Technology Architecture Whitepaper

February 13, 2024
Learn More

We’ve developed this resource to help technical teams adopt an Open Banking approach by explaining a high-level solution architecture that is organization agnostic.

Enterprise Automation

These are not your grandmother’s models: the impact of LLM’s on Document Processing

January 22, 2024
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These are not your grandmother’s models: the impact of Large Language Models on Document Processing

Explore the transformative influence of large language models (LLMs) on document processing in this insightful article. Discover how these cutting-edge models are reshaping traditional approaches, unlocking new possibilities in data analysis, and revolutionizing the way we interact with information.

Financial Services
API Management
Digital Banking

Finding the right API Management Platform

November 03, 2022
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Financial Services
API Management
Digital Banking

5 Factors to Evaluate Open Banking Readiness in Canada

September 28, 2022
Learn More
Financial Services
API Management
Digital Banking

Open Banking in Canada: How Banks and Customers Can Benefit

September 15, 2022
Learn More
Financial Services
API Management
Digital Banking

4 Ways APIs Can Improve Your Bank

June 08, 2022
Learn More
Financial Services
Banking Automation
Digital Transformation

Challenges in Digital Lending

May 12, 2022
Learn More
Financial Services
Advisory Services
Digital Transformation for Lenders

Lenders Transformation Playbook: Bridging Strategy and Execution

October 08, 2024
Learn More
Financial Services
Case Studies

Process Improvement and Automation Support the Mission at Trez Capital 🚀

July 29, 2024
Read Now
Trez Capital

Trez distributes capital based on very specific criteria. But with over 300 investments in their portfolio, they process numerous payment requests and deal with documents in varied data formats. They saw an opportunity to enhance efficiency, improve task management, and better utilize data insights for strategic decision-making.

Financial Services
Digital Transformation

Align, Assemble, Assure: A Framework for AI Adoption

May 09, 2024
Learn More

An in-depth guide for adopting and scaling AI in the enterprise using actionable and measurable steps.

Financial Services
Advisory Services
Artificial Intelligence

Blanc Labs Welcomes Two New Leaders to Advance AI Innovation and Enhance Tech Advisory Services for Financial Institutions Across North America

May 07, 2024
Learn More

Blanc Labs and TCG Process have partnered to transform lending operations with innovative automation solutions, using the DocProStar platform to enhance efficiency, compliance, and customer satisfaction in the Canadian lending market.

Financial Services
Banking Automation
Enterprise Automation

Blanc Labs Partners with TCG Process to Integrate their Automation and Orchestration Platform and deliver Advanced Intelligent Workflow Automation to Financial Institutions

May 03, 2024
Learn More

Blanc Labs and TCG Process have partnered to transform lending operations with innovative automation solutions, using the DocProStar platform to enhance efficiency, compliance, and customer satisfaction in the Canadian lending market.

Financial Services
Business Process Improvement
Enterprise Automation

BPI in Banking and Financial Services in the US & Canada

April 23, 2024
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Business Process Improvement in Financial Services in US & Canada

Banking and financial services are changing fast. Moving from old, paper methods to new, digital ones is key to staying in business. It’s important to think about how business process improvement (BPI) can help.

Financial Services
Banking Automation
Business Process Improvement

Business Process Improvement vs Business Process Reengineering 

April 08, 2024
Learn More

Business process improvement vs. reengineering is a tough choice. In this guide, we help you choose between the two based on four factors.

Financial Services
Business Process Improvement

What is the role of a Business Process Improvement Specialist? 

February 16, 2024
Learn More
Business Process Improvement Specialist in Canada

A business process improvement specialist identifies bottlenecks and inefficiencies in your workflows, allowing you to focus efforts on automating the right processes.

Financial Services
API Management
Open Banking
Financial Services

Open Banking Technology Architecture Whitepaper

February 13, 2024
Learn More

We’ve developed this resource to help technical teams adopt an Open Banking approach by explaining a high-level solution architecture that is organization agnostic.

Enterprise Automation

These are not your grandmother’s models: the impact of LLM’s on Document Processing

January 22, 2024
Learn More
These are not your grandmother’s models: the impact of Large Language Models on Document Processing

Explore the transformative influence of large language models (LLMs) on document processing in this insightful article. Discover how these cutting-edge models are reshaping traditional approaches, unlocking new possibilities in data analysis, and revolutionizing the way we interact with information.

Financial Services
API Management
Digital Banking

Finding the right API Management Platform

November 03, 2022
Learn More
Financial Services
API Management
Digital Banking

5 Factors to Evaluate Open Banking Readiness in Canada

September 28, 2022
Learn More
Financial Services
API Management
Digital Banking

Open Banking in Canada: How Banks and Customers Can Benefit

September 15, 2022
Learn More
Financial Services
API Management
Digital Banking

4 Ways APIs Can Improve Your Bank

June 08, 2022
Learn More
Financial Services
Banking Automation
Digital Transformation

Challenges in Digital Lending

May 12, 2022
Learn More
Financial Services
Advisory Services
Digital Transformation for Lenders

Lenders Transformation Playbook: Bridging Strategy and Execution

October 08, 2024
Learn More
Financial Services
Case Studies

Process Improvement and Automation Support the Mission at Trez Capital 🚀

July 29, 2024
Read Now
Trez Capital

Trez distributes capital based on very specific criteria. But with over 300 investments in their portfolio, they process numerous payment requests and deal with documents in varied data formats. They saw an opportunity to enhance efficiency, improve task management, and better utilize data insights for strategic decision-making.

Financial Services
Digital Transformation

Align, Assemble, Assure: A Framework for AI Adoption

May 09, 2024
Learn More

An in-depth guide for adopting and scaling AI in the enterprise using actionable and measurable steps.

Financial Services
Advisory Services
Artificial Intelligence

Blanc Labs Welcomes Two New Leaders to Advance AI Innovation and Enhance Tech Advisory Services for Financial Institutions Across North America

May 07, 2024
Learn More

Blanc Labs and TCG Process have partnered to transform lending operations with innovative automation solutions, using the DocProStar platform to enhance efficiency, compliance, and customer satisfaction in the Canadian lending market.

Financial Services
Banking Automation
Enterprise Automation

Blanc Labs Partners with TCG Process to Integrate their Automation and Orchestration Platform and deliver Advanced Intelligent Workflow Automation to Financial Institutions

May 03, 2024
Learn More

Blanc Labs and TCG Process have partnered to transform lending operations with innovative automation solutions, using the DocProStar platform to enhance efficiency, compliance, and customer satisfaction in the Canadian lending market.

Financial Services
Business Process Improvement
Enterprise Automation

BPI in Banking and Financial Services in the US & Canada

April 23, 2024
Learn More
Business Process Improvement in Financial Services in US & Canada

Banking and financial services are changing fast. Moving from old, paper methods to new, digital ones is key to staying in business. It’s important to think about how business process improvement (BPI) can help.

Financial Services
Banking Automation
Business Process Improvement

Business Process Improvement vs Business Process Reengineering 

April 08, 2024
Learn More

Business process improvement vs. reengineering is a tough choice. In this guide, we help you choose between the two based on four factors.

Financial Services
Business Process Improvement

What is the role of a Business Process Improvement Specialist? 

February 16, 2024
Learn More
Business Process Improvement Specialist in Canada

A business process improvement specialist identifies bottlenecks and inefficiencies in your workflows, allowing you to focus efforts on automating the right processes.

Financial Services
API Management
Open Banking
Financial Services

Open Banking Technology Architecture Whitepaper

February 13, 2024
Learn More

We’ve developed this resource to help technical teams adopt an Open Banking approach by explaining a high-level solution architecture that is organization agnostic.

Enterprise Automation

These are not your grandmother’s models: the impact of LLM’s on Document Processing

January 22, 2024
Learn More
These are not your grandmother’s models: the impact of Large Language Models on Document Processing

Explore the transformative influence of large language models (LLMs) on document processing in this insightful article. Discover how these cutting-edge models are reshaping traditional approaches, unlocking new possibilities in data analysis, and revolutionizing the way we interact with information.

Financial Services
API Management
Digital Banking

Finding the right API Management Platform

November 03, 2022
Learn More
Financial Services
API Management
Digital Banking

5 Factors to Evaluate Open Banking Readiness in Canada

September 28, 2022
Learn More
Financial Services
API Management
Digital Banking

Open Banking in Canada: How Banks and Customers Can Benefit

September 15, 2022
Learn More
Financial Services
API Management
Digital Banking

4 Ways APIs Can Improve Your Bank

June 08, 2022
Learn More
Financial Services
Banking Automation
Digital Transformation

Challenges in Digital Lending

May 12, 2022
Learn More

Blanc Labs Partners with TCG Process to Integrate their Automation and Orchestration Platform and deliver Advanced Intelligent Workflow Automation to Financial Institutions

Financial Services | Banking Automation | Enterprise Automation

Blanc Labs Partners with TCG Process to Integrate their Automation and Orchestration Platform and deliver Advanced Intelligent Workflow Automation to Financial Institutions

May 3, 2024
Blanc Labs TCG Process Partnership

May 3, 2024 (Toronto, ON) – Blanc Labs, a leader in Lending Technology, AI, and Business Process Improvement, is excited to announce a strategic partnership with TCG Process, leveraging their DocProStar platform to transform lending operations for mid-tier banks, credit unions, and other mortgage origination and servicing providers in Canada. This partnership marks a significant milestone in Blanc Labs’ mission to enhance operational efficiencies and unlock new revenue opportunities for lenders through cutting-edge technology.

Blanc Labs’ Intelligent Automation Methodology, designed by seasoned experts, pinpoints and addresses critical areas for improvement within document intensive workflows. The solution seamlessly integrates with existing technology infrastructure, enabling rapid deployment and immediate impact on operational efficiencies, with minimal investment.

“Rapid advancements in powerful new AI technologies like LLMs are further unlocking opportunities to move away from manual, data heavy workflows that cause frustrations for customers and lending teams alike,” said David Offierski, VP of Partnerships for Blanc Labs. “We are seeing a significant shift from the manual ingestion of customer information to a much more efficient and automated workflow solution, allowing stakeholders to improve both customer and employee experience while reducing operational costs.”

TCG Process’ DocProStar provides intelligent document ingestion, orchestrated processing and powerful AI capabilities that will enable Blanc Labs to quickly deploy advanced, cost-effective, and scalable solutions to meet the unique needs of lending teams.

The collaboration between Blanc Labs and TCG Process signifies a joint commitment to deliver innovative solutions, leveraging cutting-edge technologies to streamline lending processes. The opportunity is clear: to create a more seamless experience for customers, tailored to the unique needs of the Canadian lending market.

“Our partnership with Blanc Labs is more than just technology—it’s about shared expertise and collaboration. By combining our strengths, we will provide industry leading solutions that cater to the diverse needs of the financial services sector.” Joseph Capone, Chief Revenue Officer, TCG Process (Canada).

Hamid Akbari, CEO of Blanc Labs, said, “The use of technologies like DocProStar and our Kapti platform can greatly improve compliance, increase customer retention, reduce servicing cost, and boost revenue in the lending sector. Our deep expertise in lending technologies, and especially intelligent processing of mortgage documents, enhances our role as a transformation partner.”

Blanc Labs operates with agile, expert teams, ensuring that clients typically see a return on their investment within 12 months. The company remains dedicated to its role as a pivotal player in lending industry transformation.




Blanc Labs is a preferred partner for enterprises looking to digitize and build the next generation of technology products and services. To help companies rapidly deliver on their digital initiatives, Blanc Labs has developed expertise and bespoke solutions in a wide variety of applications in financial services, healthcare, enterprise productivity, and customer experience. Headquartered in Toronto, Blanc Labs serves the Americas through operations in Toronto, New York, Bogota, and Buenos Aires. For more information on how Blanc Labs is building a better future, visit


TCG Process, with headquarters in Switzerland, is an international organization that develops and integrates input management and intelligent process automation software. Its solutions are used in industries such as banking, insurance, healthcare, government, and public administration to digitize and automate document-driven processes. TCG Process sells both directly and via partners globally. Visit


For media inquiries, please contact:

Shriya Ghate

Senior Marketing Manager

Blanc Labs



Tracy Weller-McCormack

Head of Marketing, Canada & Australia





The Transformative Influence of Large Language Models (LLMs) on Document Processing

BPI in Banking and Financial Services in the US & Canada

Financial Services | Business Process Improvement | Enterprise Automation

BPI in Banking and Financial Services in the US & Canada

April 23, 2024
Business Process Improvement in Financial Services in US & Canada

Banking and financial services are evolving at immense speed. Transitioning from traditional, paper-based processes to digital and AI-powered processes is critical to survival. That’s why you need to think about business process improvement in banking and financial services.

Business process improvement comes with a price tag. You need experts on your team, a culture centered on continuous improvement, and a powerful set of automation tools. But these tools offer extensive benefits as well. For example, Accenture estimates that automation and augmentation can help save financial services firms $140 billion and banks $70 billion.

Revolutionizing Banking and Financial Services Through Business Process Improvement

Banking and financial services firms have grown tremendously through business process improvement. Look back at your own organization’s past. You likely had to radically redesign processes to bring about any revolutionary change in your organization. From developing a mobile app for your bank to building your ATM network, all changes were a result of improved, more efficient processes.

The next leg of growth in banking and financial services requires using technologies like AI and natural language processing (NLP) to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and improve customer experience.

These technologies will help you stay ahead of the curve and improve your workflow. However, implementing technologies like AI, Gen AI, and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) requires experience and expertise, so find the right partner for smooth implementation and minimal disruption.

Let’s now dive into how you can plan to improve business processes to prepare your financial institution for the future.


Business Process Improvement (BPI) and Business Process Management (BPM) are two distinct but complementary approaches within organizational process optimization. BPI is primarily concerned with improving the efficiency and effectiveness of specific processes. It involves identifying, analyzing, and enhancing existing business operations to reduce costs, improve service delivery, or increase quality. On the other hand, BPM takes a broader view, focusing on the entire set of processes within an organization. It integrates all aspects of process management—from design and modeling to monitoring and optimization—with the goal of aligning processes with the strategic objectives of the organization. While BPI zooms in on process improvements, BPM includes holistic management of all processes to ensure coherence and alignment with overall business goals. 

Financial Processes That Need Improvement

There’s plenty of room for improvement in financial processes as we know them today. AI and RPA technologies have opened doors to a whole universe of process improvements that were previously unimaginable. Here are some examples of processes you should consider working on when implementing BPM:

Customer Onboarding

Onboarding sets the stage for your relationship with the client. Customers who have a positive experience when opening their bank account are 73% more likely to become the bank’s promoters.

Improving your onboarding process by implementing a fully digitized workflow eliminates the need to manage piles of paperwork, errors, and delays. A frictionless onboarding experience doesn’t just attract new customers; it also builds a solid reputation and loyalty among customers.

Customer Support

The modern customer wants their bank or financial institution to respond within seconds and be available 24/7. Not delivering on these expectations is essentially the same as handing your clients to competitors.

Intelligent Digital Assistants (IDAs), next-gen chatbots powered by AI, “are fully equipped with natural language understanding which aids in understanding and retaining context for polished conversations while carrying out a variety of tasks to fulfill a user’s requirements.” They act as “knowledgable bankers” who not only understand the unique journeys of customers, but are also able to recommend products, offers and next steps based on their knowledge of a customer’s past behavior and financial history.

Risk and Compliance Management

Tailoring business processes to minimize risks and comply with industry regulations helps prevent penalties as well as lower your compliance team’s workload. For example, you can create a digital workflow that provides real-time (or frequent) tracking for compliance requirements as well as detailed compliance reports.

Analytics can play a key role in bolstering your bank’s or financial institution’s risk assessment capabilities. AI-powered systems can ingest massive amounts of data your organization generates to identify patterns. The system can detect anomalies and predict risks using this data.

Loan Approvals

Loan origination systems are often plagued by labor-intensiveness, errors, and a ton of paperwork. Automating your loan origination system can transform your efficiency and the customer’s experience.

If your organization currently uses traditional processes, consider completely reengineering the process. Modernizing your lending process, right from eligibility checks to approval, is important not to develop a competitive advantage, but to survive in an environment where quick approvals and disbursals are the norm.


Implementing Business Process Management in Banking and Financial Services

Changing and managing business processes is easier said than done. Your team might need to unlearn and relearn. You might have to deal with reluctance and proactively offer training to help them get up to speed.

However, there’s an even greater challenge — implementing the right set of technologies and building the right infrastructure. That’s why you need a partner who has experience helping banks and financial services firms implement technologies to improve business processes.

With that in mind, here’s an overview of how you can implement business process management:

Step 1: Identify Key Processes

The first step is to identify key processes within your bank or financial institution that could use some improvement. The process could be onboarding, loan processing, risk assessment, or customer service.

Consider asking employees — people on the ground executing these processes — how you can improve. Identify their pain points and bottlenecks and prioritize areas for optimization based on your analysis.

For example, if your bank’s loan origination process is lengthy and has high error rates, fixing that should be your priority over streamlining your support processes.

Step 2: Map Your Processes

A process map gives you an overview of the entire workflow and the steps involved in the process, including stakeholders, decision points, and the flow of information. A visual representation of your process helps you understand its current state, identify inefficiencies, and find opportunities to improve the process.

Step 3: Optimize Processes

Once you’ve identified inefficiencies and redundancies, it’s time to eliminate them. The exact solutions to implement depend on the challenge you’re addressing. However, automation and standardization are the first steps towards optimizing processes.

If you’re thinking to yourself, “We’ve already automated repetitive tasks,” that’s not enough. Use AI to automate some tasks you previously thought were best handled by humans.

For example, don’t use scripted chatbots that make customers feel like they’re talking to a robot. Find a partner who can develop a chatbot powered by technologies like AI and Gen AI. AI-powered chatbots can personalize conversations and interact just like humans.

If you’re not using AI, you’re already late to the party — Bank of America has been using its AI chatbot, Erica, since 2016. Bank of America claims that Erica has been able to provide more than 98% of its clients with the answers they need.

Step 4: Monitor and Improve

Optimizing business processes is not a one-off task. It’s an ongoing journey. Measure the results your optimization efforts yield with process metrics like cycle time, error rates, and customer satisfaction.

You can use AI-powered data analytics to gain deeper insights into process performance and find areas that require further improvement.

For example, if you recently optimized your loan origination process, use data analytics to monitor processing time.

Has it improved to the extent you expected? If not, use data to find out why. Is the optimized process still prone to errors? Or is your team still going through the learning curve?


The Role of Automation in Improving Financial Processes

Automation plays multiple roles in improving banking and financial processes. Here’s a quick overview of why automation is vital to your business process improvement initiatives:

  • Say goodbye to repetitive tasks and errors: You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on data entry, reconciliations, and reports. Automation can perform those tasks more efficiently than humans and doesn’t make mistakes. Moreover, software allows you to keep costs under control even as you continue to scale.
  • Enforce standardized processes: You can create all the SOPs (standard operating procedures)you want. But there will always be someone trying to take a shortcut. Automation helps you achieve consistency in executing standardized processes — you can impose rules through your automated system to eliminate deviations from a standardized process.
  • Greater efficiency: Automation helps you multiply productivity. The more productive your bank or financial institution is, the more loans you can process, accounts you can reconcile, reports you can generate, and customers you can onboard without compromising on accuracy.
  • Improved customer experience: One of the biggest roles of automation in business process improvement is tailoring your processes to meet the customers’ needs. Automation allows you to personalize processes, eliminate errors, offer convenience, and deliver fast experiences at scale.
  • Deeper insights: Automating data collection and reporting helps you derive value out of the massive volume of data financial institutions generate. AI-powered analytics help you spot patterns and detect outliers. For example, if there’s fraudulent activity in a customer’s account, AI can pick up on that. Analytics also helps you make data-driven decisions, predict customer behavior, and assess risk exposure.
  • Improved customer experience: Automation allows you to improve customer experience across channels. Your AI chatbot can deliver personalized responses, analytics can help you predict customer behavior, and streamlined onboarding helps you make a great first impression.

Revolutionize Financial Services with Business Process Improvement

Let’s face it. Redesigning business processes comes with risk. However, the risk-reward ratio is in your favor when you use the right technologies and work with a team of experts. Strategic business improvement can transform your customer experience and generate massive cost savings for your business. 

Blanc Labs is committed to helping partners succeed through the use of cutting-edge technologies. Our approach can help you redesign processes in a way that fits your business’s needs. 

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These are not your grandmother’s models: the impact of Large Language Models on Document Processing

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Process Improvement and Automation Support the Mission at Trez Capital 🚀

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Read Now
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Financial Services
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Blanc Labs and TCG Process have partnered to transform lending operations with innovative automation solutions, using the DocProStar platform to enhance efficiency, compliance, and customer satisfaction in the Canadian lending market.

Financial Services
Business Process Improvement
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Process Improvement and Automation Support the Mission at Trez Capital 🚀

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Trez Capital

Trez distributes capital based on very specific criteria. But with over 300 investments in their portfolio, they process numerous payment requests and deal with documents in varied data formats. They saw an opportunity to enhance efficiency, improve task management, and better utilize data insights for strategic decision-making.

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May 03, 2024
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Blanc Labs and TCG Process have partnered to transform lending operations with innovative automation solutions, using the DocProStar platform to enhance efficiency, compliance, and customer satisfaction in the Canadian lending market.

Financial Services
Business Process Improvement
Enterprise Automation

BPI in Banking and Financial Services in the US & Canada

April 23, 2024
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Business Process Improvement in Financial Services in US & Canada

Banking and financial services are changing fast. Moving from old, paper methods to new, digital ones is key to staying in business. It’s important to think about how business process improvement (BPI) can help.

Financial Services
Banking Automation
Business Process Improvement

Business Process Improvement vs Business Process Reengineering 

April 08, 2024
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Business process improvement vs. reengineering is a tough choice. In this guide, we help you choose between the two based on four factors.

Financial Services
Business Process Improvement

What is the role of a Business Process Improvement Specialist? 

February 16, 2024
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Business Process Improvement Specialist in Canada

A business process improvement specialist identifies bottlenecks and inefficiencies in your workflows, allowing you to focus efforts on automating the right processes.

Financial Services
API Management
Open Banking
Financial Services

Open Banking Technology Architecture Whitepaper

February 13, 2024
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We’ve developed this resource to help technical teams adopt an Open Banking approach by explaining a high-level solution architecture that is organization agnostic.

People & Culture
Business Process Improvement
Enterprise Automation

Meet David Liu: COE Lead, Process Improver, and Ramen Aficionado 

December 06, 2023
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David-Liu Profile_Blanc Labs

Meet our new BPI CoE Lead, David Liu! Learn about how he plans to craft efficient processes for enterprise customers and what inspires him to innovate.

Financial Services
Enterprise Tech

The Keys to the Secret Garden: Unlocking the Potential of AI in the Enterprise

November 27, 2023
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Image of a garden

In this article, Dave Offierski explores the conditions to support enterprise AI adoption.

Financial Services
Case Studies

Blanc Labs Expedites the Development of Mortgage Product for Canada’s Top Brokerage

September 27, 2023
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These are not your grandmother’s models: the impact of LLM’s on Document Processing

Insight | AI | Enterprise Automation | IDP

These are not your grandmother’s models: the impact of LLM’s on Document Processing

January 22, 2024
These are not your grandmother’s models: the impact of Large Language Models on Document Processing

Document Processing before LLMs

Document processing primarily relies on rule-based systems and keyword matching, which can be effective for structured or even semi-structured documents with predictable formats. However, this approach often struggles with unstructured data, where variability and complexity are high. In contrast, Large Language Models (LLMs) bring a transformative approach to document understanding. They leverage advanced natural language processing (NLP) techniques, enabling them to comprehend context, semantics, and nuanced language variations in documents.

In the ever-evolving world of data science and enterprise automation, the explosive growth of unstructured data generated by companies has been a major challenge for data scientists. To give you a sense of scale, recent studies show we’re likely to witness a surge from 33 zettabytes in 2018 to a predicted 175 zettabytes by 2025. Furthermore, according to Gartner, unstructured data currently represents an estimated 80 to 90 percent of all new enterprise data.  Unstructured data can include conversations through e-mail or text messages, but also social media posts, blogs, video, audio, call logs, reviews, customer feedback, and replies in questionnaires. This trend spotlights an urgent need for more sophisticated tools to create value from this burgeoning data deluge.

Our team has over 5 years working with various OCR and NLP technologies, including having developed and training models in-house.  Don’t get me wrong, IDP  tech has come an extremely long way and the tools have gotten tremendously powerful. Libraries such as Amazon Textract (among many others) provide ML engineers a powerful suite of tools to accelerate the speed and quality of applying intelligent document processing to automation scenarios.

However, there are still limitations to how IDP can be adopted to a range of automation scenarios that we encounter in enterprise environments.

Think of traditional models document processing tech as a diligent yet somewhat myopic librarian, meticulously following rules but often missing the bigger picture. In contrast, Large Language Models (LLMs) are like Sherlock Holmes — insightful, context-aware, omnipresent, and adept at deciphering the most cryptic of texts.

This results in several key benefits and improvements:

Enhanced Comprehension

Traditional Method: Typically relies on keyword spotting and pattern recognition. For example, extracting dates or specific terms from structured forms.

LLMs Approach: Goes beyond mere pattern recognition. It interprets language nuances and intent, essential in contexts like financial and legal document analysis where the meaning of clauses and data can be complex.

Flexibility with Unstructured Data

Traditional Method: Struggles with documents like unstructured emails or reports, often leading to high error rates or the need for manual intervention.

LLMs Approach: Excel in handling unstructured formats. For instance, in customer service, LLMs can analyze and respond to diverse customer queries that vary in structure and content, easily extract information from employment letters or mortgage commitment statements.

Dealing with unstructured data, which includes everything from casual emails to social media chatter, videos, and customer feedback, is not a trivial matter. This kind of data resists neat categorization and defies traditional database structures, posing significant challenges in analysis and comprehension. Here’s where Large Language Models show their mettle, adeptly navigating this complex, non-uniform data and unlocking valuable insights that conventional methods might miss.

Adaptive Learning

Traditional Method: Updating rule-based systems for new formats or languages is time-consuming and resource-intensive.

LLMs Approach: Can continuously learn from new data, adapting to changes in language usage or document formats without extensive manual reprogramming.

Error Reduction

Traditional Method: Prone to errors in cases of ambiguous or context-heavy information, resulting in lower reliability.

LLMs Approach: Their deep contextual understanding leads to more accurate data extraction and interpretation, crucial in high-stakes industries like legal, financial and healthcare.

A Practical Example

ChatGPT 4, without any specific fine tuning or pre-training is able to easily extract information from a document it has never seen before. It understands the context and you can simply query in a natural way for data points that you are interested in:

*Chat gpt extracts information_Blanc Labs

* Note: we take data privacy and PII seriously (see below) and created “spoof” documents for the purposes of this demonstration.

For instance, by asking direct questions such as ‘What is the policy end date?’ or ‘By what margin has the insured amount varied?’, it promptly delivers precise information with perfect accuracy.

This scenario offers the opportunity to further explore solutions that leverage the unique capabilities of LLM’s for the purposes of intelligent document processing and automation.

Generative AI-Powered Extraction and Comparison of Insurance Policy Documents

In the previous section, we delved into the capabilities of Language Learning Models (LLMs) in streamlining the extraction of key information from various document types. To demonstrate this further, we now present a practical application of our system.

The first part of the demonstration involves uploading the initial insurance policy, which acts as our benchmark document. Watch how the system seamlessly processes this document, effortlessly extracting critical details such as the policy number, coverage specifics, the insured party’s information, and other essential data.

Next, we upload a second document representing a modification in the policy. It not only extracts pertinent information from the new document but also conducts an intelligent comparison with the original policy. Notice how the system highlights the changes in the date and insurance limit. This comparative analysis is vital to ensure comprehensive and accurate updates of all modifications and their implications.

To enhance the efficiency of such systems, integration with existing databases and cloud storage services is key. Utilizing APIs, these systems can automatically retrieve documents from various sources such as cloud storage (like AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage), internal databases, or even directly from email attachments. This integration enables real-time processing and updates, ensuring that the latest documents are always analyzed and compared.

The Role of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) in LLMs

For more context specific answers and solutions, Retrieval-Augmented Generation represents a significant advancement in the capabilities of LLMs. It’s another step forward on this never-ending roller coaster!

  • Enhanced Accuracy and Relevance: RAG combines the generative power of LLMs with information retrieval, pulling in relevant data or documents to provide contextually accurate responses. This is particularly beneficial for financial analysis and reporting, where accuracy is paramount.
  • Dynamic Data Integration: Unlike traditional LLMs, RAG can integrate real-time data, offering dynamic responses to financial queries. This is essential in finance, where market conditions and regulatory environments are constantly evolving.
  • Customized Financial Advice: RAG’s ability to retrieve and process vast amounts of data allows for highly personalized financial advice, tailored to individual customer profiles and market conditions.
  • Improved Compliance and Risk Management: In the regulatory-heavy landscape of financial services and healthcare industries, RAG can efficiently process and cross-reference internal and external data sources including detailed regulations and requirements. We believe that there is a huge opportunity to automate regulatory, risk, and compliance checklists to reduce complex manual efforts that exist in regulated industries.

Potential limitations of deploying LLM’s for document processing (at scale)

While LLMs are highly likely to revolutionize document processing with,  it is important to consider potential limitations as well. LLMs are like a double-edged sword, powerful in processing vast amounts of data but requiring careful handling to address privacy concerns and manage computing resources.

  • Privacy and Personal Identifiable Information (PII): LLMs are capable of processing vast amounts of data, including confidential or proprietary information as well as PII data.  Organizations must work within data security frameworks and engineer solutions that have data security at the core of how they are designed and deployed.  As a SOC2 Certified company, this is an area of key focus for our teams and we have implemented robust data handling and processing protocols to ensure that all PII is managed securely and in compliance with privacy regulations.
  • Computing Power and Cost: The potential impact offered by powerful LLMs to read and extract data from large volumes of unstructured data is reliant on the on substantial computing power required to run these models.  We are still in the early stages of enterprise adoption of generative AI technologies and the economics of leveraging these toolsets at an enterprise scale are fairly dynamic.  We expect a lot to change over the next few years but in the meantime, we are actively working with clients to understand the business drivers of using LLM’s to automate processes.  With our deep background in intelligent document processing we’ve become experts at crafting solutions that optimize model efficiency without compromising performance. We employ techniques like model pruning, efficient data processing pipelines, and cloud-based solutions that balance computational demands with cost-effectiveness.


LLMs and RAG are the vibrant threads bringing new patterns of efficiency, accuracy, and innovation. We’ve journeyed from the meticulous yet narrow pathways of traditional methods to the expansive highways of AI-driven solutions. This evolution isn’t just a step forward; it’s a quantum leap into a future where data isn’t just processed but understood, where advice isn’t just given but tailored, and where compliance isn’t just followed but mastered.

The advancements in unstructured data analytics signal a critical shift in our approach to data. It’s not just about the volume; it’s about the untapped potential that lies within. This raises a compelling question: how can we leverage unstructured data to gain a deeper understanding of our customers, societal trends, and the world at large? The key lies in harmonizing cutting-edge AI tools like Large Language Models with human insight, transforming this wave of data into insightful and actionable knowledge.

Harness the power of AI

At Blanc Labs, we specialize in tailoring AI solutions to the specific needs of the Canadian financial and healthcare sector. Our expertise in AI, automation & digital product development positions us to assist in harnessing the power of LLMs and other AI technologies. We provide customized solutions for intelligent document processing, intelligent automation, and enhancing customer experiences, ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulations.

Explore how Blanc Labs can assist your organization in navigating and succeeding in the digital era.


Luciano Lera Bossi
BPI & Intelligent Automation Lead

Luciano Lera Bossi is a skilled Engineer with 15+ years of success in tech, specializing in Intelligent Automation, Low Code/No Code and Agile Project Management. He enables effective communication between technical and business stakeholders, resulting in seamless project outcomes.

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Business Process Improvement Specialist in Canada

A business process improvement specialist identifies bottlenecks and inefficiencies in your workflows, allowing you to focus efforts on automating the right processes.

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These are not your grandmother’s models: the impact of LLM’s on Document Processing

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These are not your grandmother’s models: the impact of Large Language Models on Document Processing

Explore the transformative influence of large language models (LLMs) on document processing in this insightful article. Discover how these cutting-edge models are reshaping traditional approaches, unlocking new possibilities in data analysis, and revolutionizing the way we interact with information.

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Meet David Liu: COE Lead, Process Improver, and Ramen Aficionado 

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David-Liu Profile_Blanc Labs

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Image of a garden

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Case Studies

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Gen AI on FHIR

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From Chaos to Clarity: Achieving Operational Excellence through Business Process Improvement

Financial Services | Business Process Improvement | Enterprise Automation

From Chaos to Clarity: Achieving Operational Excellence through Business Process Improvement

January 18, 2024
Business process improvement at work_Blanc Labs

Generative AI and Automation: Are you implementing them effectively?

The emergence of exponential technologies like Generative AI has sparked enthusiasm among companies and executives, who see the potential for enhancing operations and adding significant value to their businesses. In a PWC survey¹, 86% of U.S. executives projected AI’s transition into a ‘mainstream technology’ within their companies in 2021. Moreover, 25% of businesses utilizing AI anticipate revenue growth.

However, as highlighted by Gartner², a concerning 85% of AI projects ultimately fail to meet their expected business value. Among the numerous factors contributing to these shortcomings, common culprits include misaligned expectations, inadequate planning, and limited comprehension of the technology and its practical applications. When all these factors are considered, they collectively underscore a single underlying issue: an inadequate understanding of the process.

The Cost of No Change

Every business, regardless of its size or industry, operates within a complex web of processes. These processes, when left unoptimized, can lead to chaos, inefficiency, and missed opportunities. Employees may find themselves bogged down in manual tasks, information silos, and redundant workflows. Meanwhile, customers may experience reduced satisfaction due to prolonged or unclear processes and excessive touchpoints, potentially leading to attrition. This chaos not only hampers productivity but can also erode customer satisfaction and profitability.


¹ PricewaterhouseCoopers, “PWC 2022 AI Business Survey”, online: PwC
²“Gartner says nearly half of CIOs are planning to deploy artificial intelligence”, (13 February 2018), online: Gartner

Array’s research³ reveals alarming realities within organizations:

Financial Costs:

Inefficiencies cost 20-30% of revenue.

Time Costs: 

Employees lose 26% of their day to avoidable chores.

Recruitment Costs:

Each employee costs $4,129 and 42 days to be trained.

Amid these sobering statistics, businesses have adopted Business Process Improvement as a systematic, analytical approach to understanding, prioritizing, and measuring the impact of how to make their operations run more efficiently.


³Saunders, Dave, “How Much is Inefficiency Costing Your Business”, (19 November 2020), online: Electronic Data
Capture, Mobile Data Collection – Array Survey App

53% of IT decision-makers say that Cloud ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software is a worthwhile investment
Man working
of companies spend up to $25 on each manually processed invoice
of sales reps allocate their hours to non-revenue tasks
of specialist IT time is consumed by basic, low-level activities

Download the Full Whitepaper

From Chaos to Clarity_Business Process Improvement_Blanc Labs

Our teams have compiled insights and best practices in this practical and outcome focused whitepaper.  Our learnings are based on numerous successful client engagements, research, and industry partners.

Business leaders seeking practical advice to advance their BPI capabilities will find value in the topics covered in the whitepaper.  These include:

  • A step-by-step approach on how to conduct Business Process Improvement within an enterprise operating environment
  • Practical implications of using Business Process Improvement with Intelligent Automation
  • Case Studies on the successful use of Business Process Improvement in mid-sized to enterprise organizations


From Chaos to Clarity


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Luciano Lera Bossi
Luciano Lera Bossi
BPI & Intelligent Automation Lead

“Our commitment is to evolve your business processes in a way that’s both data-driven and adaptable, fostering an environment where continuous improvement is the norm, and each step leads to a more effective and empowering operational experience.”

David Liu
David Liu
Lead-CoE Consultant

“In the race for growth, inefficiencies hold companies back. Success unfolds in continuous refinement—where processes evolve, innovation thrives, and excellence becomes ingrained.”

Meet David Liu: COE Lead, Process Improver, and Ramen Aficionado 

People & Culture | Business Process Improvement | Enterprise Automation

Meet David Liu: COE Lead, Process Improver, and Ramen Aficionado 

December 6, 2023
David-Liu Profile_Blanc Labs

Say hello to David Liu, our new BPI CoE Lead! He’s the kind of guy who’s just as excited about diving into complex enterprise processes as he is about making a bowl of handmade ramen (his absolute favourite). His insatiable curiosity propels him to delve deep into the essence “why?”, and an expert at finding ways to enhance and elevate outcomes.

David’s been on quite a journey for the past three months, settling into his new life in Canada and shaking things up here at Blanc Labs. We sat down with him to find out more about his experience and discover what fuels his passion to understand the inner mechanisms of both professional landscapes and culinary delights.

Six Questions with David Liu

Welcome to Canada and to Blanc Labs! How have your first 90 days been?

Wow, these past months have been quite the ride, packed with trust-building, blending into new cultures, and loads of personal and professional growth. Shortly after my onboarding, our team kicked off a fairly large Business Process Improvement (BPI) project and and formalizing the BPI practice within Blanc Labs has been a great experience. Each step of this has been a building block for me.

As someone who recently moved from Hong Kong, I’ll admit, I had my doubts about adapting to a whole new workplace culture. But the moment I stepped into Blanc Labs, the team made me feel right at home. They handed me the reins, offering the freedom and trust that allowed me to make a significant impact around here.

Any standout moment that you’d like to tell us about?

One standout moment was a business trip to Vancouver, where I conducted an on-site process assessment for a client. This firsthand experience not only deepened my understanding of client needs but also helped me form close relationships. With the collaboration of experts from different areas at Blanc Labs, we successfully delivered our first BPI project, receiving recognition from the client—an auspicious start for the BPI practice.

What attracted you to Blanc Labs in the first place, and why did you choose to join at this point in your career?

Blanc Labs provides a dynamic, startup-like environment with daily challenges, which I find invigorating. The rapid pace and expansive growth opportunities align with my career goals. More importantly, the shared vision on business process improvement during the interview resonated with me, making it an easy decision to join a team that values innovation and is willing to take risks.

What makes Business Process Improvement such an interesting area of work for you?

My career in the process-related field comes from a simple desire—to streamline processes and make everyone’s work easier. Growing up, my curiosity about how things work, be it a restaurant kitchen or a car engine, fueled my interest in operations behind businesses. This fascination deepened as I came across more slow processes in daily life. That’s when I knew I wanted to pursue consulting and specialize in business process improvement.

How do you envision the future of BPI, and what challenges do you foresee?

Even as I envision an automated future where most tasks are streamlined, I believe human intervention will remain crucial in customer-facing roles and creative industries. Because of automation, there is a concern about potential job loss. Post-improvement initiatives, companies must consider upskilling employees or transitioning them into roles that leverage human intervention, like customer-facing roles, to maintain value addition.

And finally, what according to you, makes a Business Process Improvement project successful?

I like to think of a successful BPI project as a well-made bowl of ramen—

The flavorful broth needs a long time to boil bones and meat until they blend well for a rich flavor. This is like the experience needed for a good BPI project. Finding issues and understanding process problems takes years of practice and dedication.

The Tare, though a small part in ramen, has a big impact on the noodle’s taste, determining the overall flavor. It’s similar to the goal in a BPI project. A goals acts as the guiding star throughout, leading us to the expected business outcome. A BPI project without a clear goal is like ramen without Tare—it lacks flavor and excitement.

The type of flour used in making noodles is comparable to the tools and methodologies employed in the analysis. Meanwhile, the texture and thickness of the noodles resemble the direction of the analysis. For a successful BPI project, leveraging experience to select the most suitable tools and methodologies is crucial. This strategic choice ensures accurate analysis, aligning with the project’s goals effectively.

In ramen, oils and fats serve to enrich the broth’s flavor, adding complexity to the overall taste. Similarly, in the realm of BPI, user education plays a vital role. If users are not well-informed about the new process, they may prefer the original one, rendering the efforts of the entire project futile.

Finally, the toppings on the ramen symbolize the selection of technologies. Just as there can be an infinite combination of toppings in ramen, choosing the right set is essential to enhance the overall flavor. Similarly, in a BPI project, technologies act like toppings strategically added to enrich the final product.


David Liu_Ramen Process_Blanc Labs

David Liu’s Ramen Making Process

“Ramen is my go-to favorite, and exploring great ramen spots in downtown Toronto has been so much fun. Now, a quick heads-up—I’m not a pro chef, just a big ramen fan who enjoys watching ramen videos online.

So, here’s how you make it. First off, you start with making the broth. Boil stuff like bones, meat, and extra flavors to get a yummy base for your ramen.

Then comes the Tare, which is the seasoning. It’s usually made with soy sauce, salt, or miso. You mix it into the broth to amp up the flavor.

Next is making the noodles. Mix flour with water (sometimes carbonated water), stretch the dough, and cut it into noodles.

To make the broth richer, add some fats and oils. It gives the ramen that extra deliciousness.

Finally, to make it look cool and taste even better, add toppings like pork, seaweed, bamboo shoots on top of the noodles and broth. It’s like the cherry on top, making your ramen not just tasty but also a feast for the eyes.”

Feeling inspired by David’s journey? Want to supercharge your own business processes? Whether you’re craving insights on enhancing workflows or simply curious about David’s favorite ramen spots, he’s your go-to person! Reach out to David at

Financial Services
Advisory Services
Digital Transformation for Lenders

Lenders Transformation Playbook: Bridging Strategy and Execution

October 08, 2024
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Financial Services
Case Studies

Process Improvement and Automation Support the Mission at Trez Capital 🚀

July 29, 2024
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Trez Capital

Trez distributes capital based on very specific criteria. But with over 300 investments in their portfolio, they process numerous payment requests and deal with documents in varied data formats. They saw an opportunity to enhance efficiency, improve task management, and better utilize data insights for strategic decision-making.

Financial Services
Digital Transformation

Align, Assemble, Assure: A Framework for AI Adoption

May 09, 2024
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An in-depth guide for adopting and scaling AI in the enterprise using actionable and measurable steps.

Financial Services
Advisory Services
Artificial Intelligence

Blanc Labs Welcomes Two New Leaders to Advance AI Innovation and Enhance Tech Advisory Services for Financial Institutions Across North America

May 07, 2024
Learn More

Blanc Labs and TCG Process have partnered to transform lending operations with innovative automation solutions, using the DocProStar platform to enhance efficiency, compliance, and customer satisfaction in the Canadian lending market.

Financial Services
Banking Automation
Enterprise Automation

Blanc Labs Partners with TCG Process to Integrate their Automation and Orchestration Platform and deliver Advanced Intelligent Workflow Automation to Financial Institutions

May 03, 2024
Learn More

Blanc Labs and TCG Process have partnered to transform lending operations with innovative automation solutions, using the DocProStar platform to enhance efficiency, compliance, and customer satisfaction in the Canadian lending market.

Financial Services
Business Process Improvement
Enterprise Automation

BPI in Banking and Financial Services in the US & Canada

April 23, 2024
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Business Process Improvement in Financial Services in US & Canada

Banking and financial services are changing fast. Moving from old, paper methods to new, digital ones is key to staying in business. It’s important to think about how business process improvement (BPI) can help.

Financial Services
Banking Automation
Business Process Improvement

Business Process Improvement vs Business Process Reengineering 

April 08, 2024
Learn More

Business process improvement vs. reengineering is a tough choice. In this guide, we help you choose between the two based on four factors.

Financial Services
Business Process Improvement

What is the role of a Business Process Improvement Specialist? 

February 16, 2024
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Business Process Improvement Specialist in Canada

A business process improvement specialist identifies bottlenecks and inefficiencies in your workflows, allowing you to focus efforts on automating the right processes.

Financial Services
API Management
Open Banking
Financial Services

Open Banking Technology Architecture Whitepaper

February 13, 2024
Learn More

We’ve developed this resource to help technical teams adopt an Open Banking approach by explaining a high-level solution architecture that is organization agnostic.

Enterprise Automation

These are not your grandmother’s models: the impact of LLM’s on Document Processing

January 22, 2024
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These are not your grandmother’s models: the impact of Large Language Models on Document Processing

Explore the transformative influence of large language models (LLMs) on document processing in this insightful article. Discover how these cutting-edge models are reshaping traditional approaches, unlocking new possibilities in data analysis, and revolutionizing the way we interact with information.

Financial Services
Case Studies

Blanc Labs Expedites the Development of Mortgage Product for Canada’s Top Brokerage

September 27, 2023
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Financial Services
Banking Automation

Banking Automation: The Complete Guide

April 06, 2023
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Financial Services
Digital Banking
Company News

thirdstream and Blanc Labs collaborating to bring intelligent document processing to financial institutions

October 25, 2022
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Financial Services
Banking Automation
Digital Transformation

Challenges in Digital Lending

May 12, 2022
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Financial Services
Advisory Services
Digital Transformation for Lenders

Lenders Transformation Playbook: Bridging Strategy and Execution

October 08, 2024
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Financial Services
Case Studies

Process Improvement and Automation Support the Mission at Trez Capital 🚀

July 29, 2024
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Trez Capital

Trez distributes capital based on very specific criteria. But with over 300 investments in their portfolio, they process numerous payment requests and deal with documents in varied data formats. They saw an opportunity to enhance efficiency, improve task management, and better utilize data insights for strategic decision-making.

Financial Services
Digital Transformation

Align, Assemble, Assure: A Framework for AI Adoption

May 09, 2024
Learn More

An in-depth guide for adopting and scaling AI in the enterprise using actionable and measurable steps.

Financial Services
Advisory Services
Artificial Intelligence

Blanc Labs Welcomes Two New Leaders to Advance AI Innovation and Enhance Tech Advisory Services for Financial Institutions Across North America

May 07, 2024
Learn More

Blanc Labs and TCG Process have partnered to transform lending operations with innovative automation solutions, using the DocProStar platform to enhance efficiency, compliance, and customer satisfaction in the Canadian lending market.

Financial Services
Banking Automation
Enterprise Automation

Blanc Labs Partners with TCG Process to Integrate their Automation and Orchestration Platform and deliver Advanced Intelligent Workflow Automation to Financial Institutions

May 03, 2024
Learn More

Blanc Labs and TCG Process have partnered to transform lending operations with innovative automation solutions, using the DocProStar platform to enhance efficiency, compliance, and customer satisfaction in the Canadian lending market.

Financial Services
Business Process Improvement
Enterprise Automation

BPI in Banking and Financial Services in the US & Canada

April 23, 2024
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Business Process Improvement in Financial Services in US & Canada

Banking and financial services are changing fast. Moving from old, paper methods to new, digital ones is key to staying in business. It’s important to think about how business process improvement (BPI) can help.

Financial Services
Banking Automation
Business Process Improvement

Business Process Improvement vs Business Process Reengineering 

April 08, 2024
Learn More

Business process improvement vs. reengineering is a tough choice. In this guide, we help you choose between the two based on four factors.

Financial Services
Business Process Improvement

What is the role of a Business Process Improvement Specialist? 

February 16, 2024
Learn More
Business Process Improvement Specialist in Canada

A business process improvement specialist identifies bottlenecks and inefficiencies in your workflows, allowing you to focus efforts on automating the right processes.

Financial Services
API Management
Open Banking
Financial Services

Open Banking Technology Architecture Whitepaper

February 13, 2024
Learn More

We’ve developed this resource to help technical teams adopt an Open Banking approach by explaining a high-level solution architecture that is organization agnostic.

Enterprise Automation

These are not your grandmother’s models: the impact of LLM’s on Document Processing

January 22, 2024
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These are not your grandmother’s models: the impact of Large Language Models on Document Processing

Explore the transformative influence of large language models (LLMs) on document processing in this insightful article. Discover how these cutting-edge models are reshaping traditional approaches, unlocking new possibilities in data analysis, and revolutionizing the way we interact with information.

Financial Services
Case Studies

Blanc Labs Expedites the Development of Mortgage Product for Canada’s Top Brokerage

September 27, 2023
Read Now
Financial Services
Banking Automation

Banking Automation: The Complete Guide

April 06, 2023
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Financial Services
Digital Banking
Company News

thirdstream and Blanc Labs collaborating to bring intelligent document processing to financial institutions

October 25, 2022
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Financial Services
Banking Automation
Digital Transformation

Challenges in Digital Lending

May 12, 2022
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Financial Services
Advisory Services
Digital Transformation for Lenders

Lenders Transformation Playbook: Bridging Strategy and Execution

October 08, 2024
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Financial Services
Case Studies

Process Improvement and Automation Support the Mission at Trez Capital 🚀

July 29, 2024
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Trez Capital

Trez distributes capital based on very specific criteria. But with over 300 investments in their portfolio, they process numerous payment requests and deal with documents in varied data formats. They saw an opportunity to enhance efficiency, improve task management, and better utilize data insights for strategic decision-making.

Financial Services
Digital Transformation

Align, Assemble, Assure: A Framework for AI Adoption

May 09, 2024
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An in-depth guide for adopting and scaling AI in the enterprise using actionable and measurable steps.

Financial Services
Advisory Services
Artificial Intelligence

Blanc Labs Welcomes Two New Leaders to Advance AI Innovation and Enhance Tech Advisory Services for Financial Institutions Across North America

May 07, 2024
Learn More

Blanc Labs and TCG Process have partnered to transform lending operations with innovative automation solutions, using the DocProStar platform to enhance efficiency, compliance, and customer satisfaction in the Canadian lending market.

Financial Services
Banking Automation
Enterprise Automation

Blanc Labs Partners with TCG Process to Integrate their Automation and Orchestration Platform and deliver Advanced Intelligent Workflow Automation to Financial Institutions

May 03, 2024
Learn More

Blanc Labs and TCG Process have partnered to transform lending operations with innovative automation solutions, using the DocProStar platform to enhance efficiency, compliance, and customer satisfaction in the Canadian lending market.

Financial Services
Business Process Improvement
Enterprise Automation

BPI in Banking and Financial Services in the US & Canada

April 23, 2024
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Business Process Improvement in Financial Services in US & Canada

Banking and financial services are changing fast. Moving from old, paper methods to new, digital ones is key to staying in business. It’s important to think about how business process improvement (BPI) can help.

Financial Services
Banking Automation
Business Process Improvement

Business Process Improvement vs Business Process Reengineering 

April 08, 2024
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Business process improvement vs. reengineering is a tough choice. In this guide, we help you choose between the two based on four factors.

Financial Services
Business Process Improvement

What is the role of a Business Process Improvement Specialist? 

February 16, 2024
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Business Process Improvement Specialist in Canada

A business process improvement specialist identifies bottlenecks and inefficiencies in your workflows, allowing you to focus efforts on automating the right processes.

Financial Services
API Management
Open Banking
Financial Services

Open Banking Technology Architecture Whitepaper

February 13, 2024
Learn More

We’ve developed this resource to help technical teams adopt an Open Banking approach by explaining a high-level solution architecture that is organization agnostic.

Enterprise Automation

These are not your grandmother’s models: the impact of LLM’s on Document Processing

January 22, 2024
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These are not your grandmother’s models: the impact of Large Language Models on Document Processing

Explore the transformative influence of large language models (LLMs) on document processing in this insightful article. Discover how these cutting-edge models are reshaping traditional approaches, unlocking new possibilities in data analysis, and revolutionizing the way we interact with information.

Financial Services
Case Studies

Blanc Labs Expedites the Development of Mortgage Product for Canada’s Top Brokerage

September 27, 2023
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Financial Services
Banking Automation

Banking Automation: The Complete Guide

April 06, 2023
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Financial Services
Digital Banking
Company News

thirdstream and Blanc Labs collaborating to bring intelligent document processing to financial institutions

October 25, 2022
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Financial Services
Banking Automation
Digital Transformation

Challenges in Digital Lending

May 12, 2022
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Shannex Adopts Automation to Revolutionize its Employee Experience

Healthcare | Enterprise Automation | Healthtech | RPA

Shannex Adopts Automation to Revolutionize its Employee Experience

November 7, 2023
Shannex building

Engagement Summary

Shannex  is a leading provider of seniors’ care, service and accommodation across its 47 long-term care and retirement living communities in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Ontario.

People are at the core of Shannex’s mission, vision, and values to lead the way to better living for individuals and the communities the company serves.

Like many health care organizations in Canada, Shannex is experiencing an increased demand for health care workers and needed a solution to improve operational effectiveness to bring more employees on board in a more timely and efficient manner.

The employee onboarding process involves multiple departments and is prone to delays, manual errors, and access management challenges. These gaps did not allow new employees timely access to software tools, equipment, and EHR systems. The offboarding workflow, when an employee left or changed roles, also had similar challenges.

Shannex has partnered with Blanc Labs to develop a workflow that leverages Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to improve coordination of task between departments, track onboarding activities and timelines, and manage employee access to new employees or when their role changes.

By partnering with Blanc Labs to map the enterprise workflow across people, processes and technology systems, Shannex expects to see a significant improvement in efficiency and user experience while maintaining system security, leading to higher staff satisfaction and retention rates.

This innovative partnership is being supported by the Coordinated Accessible National (CAN) Health Network – a federally funded organization working to introduce more Canadian technology companies into Canada’s health care system.

Opportunities for Improvement

Shannex’s onboarding workflows presented an opportunity for improvement from both an employee experience and operational efficiency perspective. Manual processing of tasks and multiple stakeholders involved created a high-volume workflow characterized by delays, errors, and information-security risks.

employees had access to all the IT systems equipment they needed on their first day of work.
of new employees experienced delays of more than a week in obtaining all the equipment and system access they needed.
of new hires were less than satisfied with the technology access portion of their onboarding experience.

Shannex partners with Blanc Labs “We relied on Blanc Labs’ expertise and experience to advise us on the internal resources needed to complete the work and to set a pace that would be manageable. The team is extremely knowledgeable from a programming/technical perspective. The technical documentation was very detailed and will be very useful as we grow our internal RPA programming expertise.”

– Christy Nickerson-Rak, Research Specialist at Shannex Incorporated





Tech Stack

UiPath Studio
UiPath Orchestrator
UiPath Robot

Expected Impact

Blanc Labs’ RPA-based workflows will reduce demands on operational, HR, IT, and business system teams by automating employee management tasks. This will free up time for business users to focus on higher-value work. Improved accuracy will ensure new employees have the necessary system and equipment access and will lead to higher staff satisfaction and better retention rates.  

Our shared goal is to improve efficiency and user experience relating to employee management tasks.

Banking Transformation Done Right
Your Healthcare Interoperability Partner
woman working
Team working
Reduction in the time required for operations managers to request access to equipment/systems for new hires.
Increase in the level of satisfaction among new hires with the onboarding process.
Reduction in the time spent removing access to systems and equipment for terminations.
Increase in the proportion of new hires with access to systems equipment on their first day in the new position.

Looking Ahead

Through a strategic partnership with Blanc Labs and the CAN Health Network, Shannex is poised to revolutionize its employee onboarding and system access procedures. By integrating technologies like UiPath Apps, UiPath Robot, and UiPath Studio, Blanc Labs has delivered an impactful synergy of automation, innovation, and convenience to Shannex’s employee experience, HR , IT management, and Operations functions.

If you are interested in automating your workflows and improving employee experience, reach out to us at and let us explore how we could partner with one another. Contact us today to unlock efficiencies in your processes.

Elevate employee experience: automate, secure, and thrive.

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Business Process Improvement in Financial Services in US & Canada

Banking and financial services are changing fast. Moving from old, paper methods to new, digital ones is key to staying in business. It’s important to think about how business process improvement (BPI) can help.

Financial Services
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Business Process Improvement vs Business Process Reengineering 

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Financial Services
Business Process Improvement

What is the role of a Business Process Improvement Specialist? 

February 16, 2024
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Business Process Improvement Specialist in Canada

A business process improvement specialist identifies bottlenecks and inefficiencies in your workflows, allowing you to focus efforts on automating the right processes.

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Financial Services

Open Banking Technology Architecture Whitepaper

February 13, 2024
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We’ve developed this resource to help technical teams adopt an Open Banking approach by explaining a high-level solution architecture that is organization agnostic.

Enterprise Automation

These are not your grandmother’s models: the impact of LLM’s on Document Processing

January 22, 2024
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These are not your grandmother’s models: the impact of Large Language Models on Document Processing

Explore the transformative influence of large language models (LLMs) on document processing in this insightful article. Discover how these cutting-edge models are reshaping traditional approaches, unlocking new possibilities in data analysis, and revolutionizing the way we interact with information.

Enterprise Automation
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Case Studies

Low-Code Tools and Automation Power Minor Ailments Program for Pharmacists

November 03, 2023
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Blanc Labs teamed up with Daylight Automation (acquired by Quadient) to overhaul the process pharmacists use to assess and treat minor ailments, at a critical inflection point for Canadians to efficiently access healthcare services.

Case Studies

GenAI on 🔥 (FHIR)

October 12, 2023
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Gen AI on FHIR

Blanc Labs developed an advanced healthcare interoperability application using GenAI and FHIR

Case Studies

How Reliq Health Built their Remote Patient Monitoring Platform Around FHIR

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Digital Transformation

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Delivering a world-class teledermatology solution in partnership with MedX and Smile Digital Health

May 05, 2022
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Low-Code Tools and Automation Power Minor Ailments Program for Pharmacists

Healthcare | Enterprise Automation | Low Code Platforms

Low-Code Tools and Automation Power Minor Ailments Program for Pharmacists

November 3, 2023

Blanc Labs teamed up with Daylight Automation (acquired by Quadient) to enable the Minor Ailments service at a major Canadian pharmacy.  The team designed and deployed digital forms, automated workflows, and integrated with enterprise systems to power how pharmacists assess and treat 15 minor ailments at pharmacies across the country. This comes  at a critical inflection point for Canadians needing efficient access to healthcare services.

The client knew having pharmacists fill out a paper-form for each patient would not scale across their network and would create massive headaches for data integration, workflow management, payments & billing, and information security.

With Blanc Labs support, the Pharmacy rolled out a digital workflow solution that offers patients and pharmacists a much improved experience that eliminates extra steps, ensuring accurate and timely assessments, and treatment of minor ailments.

After 6-months of Minor Ailments Service in Ontario


Assessments Completed


Prescriptions for Minor Ailments

Benefits of our Solution Approach

Integrated Solution
Streamlined Data Collection
Improved Data Quality & Security
Superior Customer and Employee Experience
Real-Time Updates


How Blanc Labs transformed for Reliq Health Technologies
Of All Community Pharmacies are Prescribing for Minor Ailments
Provinces Currently Allow Pharmacists to Prescribe for Minor Ailments
$42M +
Savings to Ontario with Pharmacists Treating for 3 Minor Ailments

A Transformative Approach to Primary Care

Given that pharmacists are the most accessible health care professionals, I think minor ailments prescribing will lead to an improved pharmacist-patient relationship and a more fulfilling professional career. As medication experts, pharmacists are trained and equipped with the knowledge to practice beyond classic dispensing activities.

Providing clinical services, which allow pharmacists to use their entire range of training, is the future of pharmacy.

When it comes to minor ailments prescribing, passionate pharmacists will be invaluable and I’m hopeful that a shift will occur where these types of services become the norm1.

Timothy Brady, Chair of Ontario Pharmacists Association

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Using RPA in Banking

Financial Services | AI | Banking Automation | Digital Banking | Enterprise Automation

Using RPA in Banking

May 8, 2023
Using RPA in Banking


All banking or financial institutions can relate to the struggle of managing piles of structured and unstructured data daily. This task requires repetitive and manual effort from your employees that they could otherwise dedicate to high-value work. It can also be time-consuming and prone to errors, ultimately hampering your bank’s customer experience. Fortunately, automation technologies are proving to be a boon for the finance sector.

The finance domain is experiencing a major transformation, with banking automation and digitization at the forefront. According to a study by McKinsey, machines will handle between 10% to 25% of banking functions in the next few years, which can free up valuable time and resources for employees to focus on more strategic initiatives.

What is Robotic Process Automation (RPA)?

RPA is an automation technology governed by structured inputs and business logic. RPA in banking is a powerful tool that can automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks. It allows banks and financial institutions to gain a competitive advantage by automating routine tasks cost-effectively, fast, and without errors.

Banks, credit unions, or other financial institutions can set up robotic applications to handle tasks like capturing and analyzing information from documents, performing transactions, triggering responses, managing data, and coordinating with other digital systems. The possibilities for using RPA in finance are innumerable  and can include a range of functionalities such as generating reports, sending auto emails, and even auto-decisioning.

How RPA works

Robotic Process Automation works by automating repetitive and routine tasks that are currently performed manually. Software robots, also known as ‘bots,’ are designed to mimic human actions and interactions with digital systems. These rule-based bots can be configured to perform specific tasks, such as document processing, data entry, transaction execution, complete keystrokes, and more.

Once a bot is configured, it can be triggered to run automatically or on a schedule, freeing up human resources to focus on customer service or other higher-value or strategic activities. The bot interacts with the relevant systems and applications, capturing and analyzing data, navigating systems, and automating workflows as needed.

One of the key advantages of RPA in finance is that it is non-intrusive, meaning that it operates within existing systems and processes, without requiring any changes to the underlying infrastructure. This means that no changes are made to the underlying applications. RPA bots perform tasks in a similar manner  to employees- by signing into applications, entering data, conducting calculations, and logging out. They do this at the user interface or application surface layer by imitating mouse movements and the keystrokes made by employees.

This makes it easier to implement and reduces the risk of disruption to existing operations. As per Forbes, RPA usage has seen a rise in popularity in the last few years and will continue to see double-digit growth in 2023.Many people use the terms ‘RPA’ and ‘Intelligent Automation’ (IA) interchangeably. Both are banking automation technologies that improve efficiency, but are they the same?

Are RPA and Intelligent Automation the same?

No, RPA is not IA and IA is not RPA. While RPA is a rule-based approach for everyday tasks, intelligent automation uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies to automate more complex and strategic processes. IA encompasses a wide range of technologies which includes RPA. IA enables organizations to automate not just manual tasks but also decision-making processes and allows for continuous improvement through self-learning.

A combination of IA and RPA can unlock the true potential of banking automation. When RPA is combined with the powers of AI, ML, and natural language processing, it dramatically increases the software’s skills to execute advanced cognitive processes like understanding speech, carrying out conversations, comprehending semi-structured tasks such as purchase orders, invoices and unstructured documents like emails, text files and images.

Thus, RPA and its combination technologies are fully capable of taking your banking and financial business to new heights.

What are the benefits of RPA in Banking?

The global RPA market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 23.4%, from $10.01 Billion in 2022 to $43.2 Billion in 2029. Evidently, more industries worldwide are realizing the importance of RPA. Here are some benefits of using RPA in banking and financial institutions.

Improved Scalability

Robots can work faster and longer than humans without taking breaks. RPA can also be scaled to meet changing business needs, making it an ideal solution for organizations that are looking to grow and expand their operations and provide additional services.

Enhanced Compliance and Risk Management

RPA can help banks and financial institutions improve their compliance and risk management processes. For example, the software can be configured to monitor transactions for potential fraud and to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. It can also inform the bank authorities in case any anomaly is found.

Improved Customer Service

RPA can enable faster and more personalized service to customers. For example, the software can be configured to handle routine customer inquiries and transactions, reduce wait times and improving the overall customer experience.

Increased Efficiency

RPA can automate repetitive and manual tasks, redirecting human resources to other higher-value and strategic activities. This can result in faster processing times, improved accuracy, and reduced costs. According to a study by Deloitte, banking institutions could save about $40 million over the first 3 years of using RPA in banking.

Better Data Management

RPA can automate the collection, analysis, and management of data, making it easier for banks and financial institutions to gain insights and make informed decisions. This means faster account opening or closing, loan and document processing, data entry, and retrieval.

Top Use Cases of RPA in Banking

RPA can be applied in several ways in the banking and finance industry. Here are some examples of RPA use cases in banking and finance:

Accounts Payable

RPA can automate the manual, repetitive tasks involved in the accounts payable process, such as vendor invoice processing, field validation, and payment authorization. RPA software in combination with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) can be configured to extract data from invoices, perform data validation, and generate payment requests, reducing the risk of errors and freeing up human resources.  This system can also notify the bank in case of any errors.

Mortgage Processing

Mortgage processing involves hundreds of documents that need to be gathered and assessed. RPA can streamline the mortgage application process by automating tasks such as document verification, credit checks, and loan underwriting. By using RPA to handle routine tasks, banks, and financial institutions can improve processing time, reduce the risk of errors, and enhance the overall customer experience.

Fraud Detection

According to the Federal Trade Comission (FTC), banks face the ultimate risk of forgoing money to fraud, which costs them almost $8.8 billion in revenue in 2022. This figure was 30% more than than what was lost to bank fraud in 2021 .  RPA can assist in detecting potential fraud by automating the monitoring of transactions for unusual patterns and anomalies. Bots can be configured to perform real-time ‘if-then’ analysis of transaction data, flagging potential fraud cases as defined for further investigation by human analysts.

KYC (Know Your Customer)

RPA can automate the KYC onboarding process, including the collection, verification, and analysis of customer data. RPA software can be configured to handle routine tasks such as data entry, document verification, and background checks, reducing the risk of errors and faster account opening, thus resulting in enhanced customer satisfaction.

Thus, using RPA in your bank and financial institution can not only save time and money but also boost productivity. Banking automation gives you a chance to gain a competitive edge by leveraging technology and becoming more efficient.

Blanc Labs Automation Solution for Banks

Blanc Labs helps banks, credit unions, and financial institutions with their digital transformation journey by providing solutions that are RPA-based. Our services include integrating advanced automation technologies into your processes to boost efficiency and reduce the potential for errors caused by manual effort.

We offer a tailored approach that combines RPA, ML, and AI to automate complex tasks, such as mortgage processing and document processing, allowing you to conserve resources, speed up decision-making  and provide quicker and improved financial services to your customers.

If your bank processes a huge amount of data everyday, we can help you. Book a discovery call with us and let us explain how we can increase the efficiency of your bank’s core functions. Our team will analyze your current processes and propose a tailor-made automation solution that can operate seamlessly and in conjunction with your existing systems.