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AI’s Mid-Market Makeover in Financial Services



Mid-sized financial services institutions (FIs) are navigating unprecedented challenges in an era of rapid technological advancement, particularly with the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). As the financial services landscape evolves, customer expectations rise, compelling smaller banks and lenders to stay competitive and responsive. Canada’s largest financial institutions are already getting ahead on AI, while many other FIs are still in ‘observer’ mode, hesitant to invest and experiment. Despite these pressures, mid-sized FIs that employ the right strategy possess unique agility, enabling them to swiftly and efficiently adapt to technological disruptions—more so than their larger counterparts. 

This report examines how AI can address these challenges by revolutionizing operations and generating substantial value across departments and business lines. We present a comprehensive framework for identifying, prioritizing, and implementing AI use cases, empowering mid-sized financial institutions to drive innovation and maintain a competitive edge in the dynamic financial landscape


AI presents a transformative opportunity to enhance productivity, personalize customer interactions, improve decision-making, and create new business models. Successful AI integration demands a balanced, strategic approach that aligns with business goals and meticulously evaluates potential risks.

Several challenges facing mid-sized financial services companies

In a time of rapid technological advancements and changing market dynamics, mid-sized financial services companies are at a crossroads. They must meet rising customer expectations and deal with growing competition, presenting them with unique challenges that can either hinder their growth or drive them to seek innovative solutions. Here we introduce the top 4 challenges in this realm:

Rising Customer Expectations

Competitive Pressures

Workforce Dynamics and People Constraints

Technology and AI Disruption

In this exploration, we look at how mid-sized FIs can use AI to overcome challenges and improve operations and customer engagement. We will prioritize AI use cases to help these institutions make informed decisions. 

Creating Value Across All Departments

Amid the challenges faced by mid-sized financial firms, AI stands out as a key driver of innovation. It enables transformative change, boosts operational efficiency, personalizes customer interactions, enhances decision-making, and fosters the development of new business models. By addressing these challenges, AI has the potential to create significant differentiation and transform every aspect of the business.

Here’s how AI can boost businesses:

Productivity Customer Decision making Business model
Increase Productivity and Efficiency Personalize Customer Experiences Augment Decision Making Invent New Business Models

Increase Productivity & Efficiency

AI-driven tools are revolutionizing operational workflows by streamlining processes and reducing manual intervention. Through intelligent document processing, regulatory compliance monitoring, and process automation, businesses can achieve unprecedented levels of productivity. By leveraging AI-powered copilots for tasks like email management and coding modernization, organizations are not only optimizing their day-to-day operations but also enabling their workforce to focus on higher-value activities.

Personalize Customer Experience

In today’s competitive market, personalization is key to customer satisfaction, and AI is at the forefront of this transformation. With AI-powered sentiment analysis and recommendation engines, companies can tailor services and products to meet individual customer needs more effectively. Furthermore, AI-driven customer engagement tools, from text-to-video communications to generative experiences, enable businesses to create seamless, personalized journeys that enhance customer loyalty and retention.

Augment Decision Making

AI augments decision-making processes by providing real-time, data-driven insights that enhance business strategies. From underwriting assistance to dynamic pricing and risk scoring, AI enables financial institutions and other businesses to make informed decisions faster and more accurately. By integrating AI in areas like fraud detection and smart financial advisory, companies can mitigate risks while optimizing their decision-making processes, leading to improved outcomes and competitive advantage.

Invent New Business Models

AI is not just about optimizing existing processes; it also drives innovation and the creation of entirely new business models. The rise of AI-powered embedded finance and autonomous lending platforms demonstrates how AI can unlock new revenue streams and business opportunities. Through insights-as-a-service offerings and new partnership value streams, organizations can leverage AI to explore untapped markets and invent business models that disrupt traditional industries.

In a subsequent article, we’ll explore these topics in depth, breaking them down with detailed explanations and real-world use cases.

AI Value Creation: Aspiration vs. Reality

As financial institutions navigate the complex landscape of AI adoption, two distinct sentiments emerge, each underpinned by its own set of expectations and concerns.

On one hand, the optimists in the financial sector view GenAI as a revolutionary force capable of driving profound industry changes. This group is buoyed by the potential for:

True Hyper-personalization: Tailoring products and services to individual customer preferences.

Maximum Customer Experience: Leveraging AI to improve service quality and user engagement.

Automation Everywhere: Implementing AI-driven processes to streamline operations and reduce costs.

Giant Productivity Leaps: Increasing efficiency across all organizational levels.

Zero-Fraud Financial Systems: Using advanced AI algorithms to detect and prevent fraud in real-time.

These optimists are bolstered by projections suggesting that GenAI could unlock over $1 trillion in banking revenue by 2030[1], signaling a major shift in how financial services are structured and delivered. Moreover, by reinforcing these expectations, 75% of executives anticipate that GenAI will drive disruptive changes within the industry over the next three years.[2]

Conversely, the skeptics approach GenAI with caution, emphasizing the potential pitfalls over the promised perks. Their concerns include:

Boom & Bust Cycles: Risk of overinvestments driving unsustainable growth, low ROI, and financial problems down the road, as was the case with several technology waves in the past decades.

Reliability Issues: Worries about the limitations and flaws of new GenAI technologies, and their impact on mission critical financial processes where the room for error is very small.

Regulatory Constraints: Challenges to AI growth due to evolving, stringent regulations across local and federal jurisdictions in financial services.

Security and Privacy Risks: Increased risk of cyber threats, data privacy concerns, and potential bias as AI continues to handle and process more sensitive information on customers and employees.

Overpromise, Underdeliver: Many worry about the prospect of AI failing to meet the current hype, and see in it an over-marketed tech that is less revolutionary that it seems.

Interestingly, despite the much touted prospects of AI, a significant 66% of executives surveyed express ambivalence or dissatisfaction with their organization’s progress in AI integration, highlighting a gap between expectation and execution.[3]

Embracing AI Optimism with Prudence

Broadening Our AI Understanding
Evaluating AI’s Imperfections
Looking Beyond the Present
Avoiding Common Pitfalls

AI encompasses a wide array of tools and capabilities, including battle-tested solutions based on both predictive and generative AI. Recognizing the full spectrum of AI technologies will enable us to leverage the most effective solutions for our specific needs.

Like humans, AI is not infallible—it makes mistakes. However, combining human oversight with GenAI’s capabilities could enhance our decision-making processes beyond what’s achievable by human efforts alone.

The rapid evolution of AI technology means what’s cutting-edge today might be outdated tomorrow. We should consider the potential of future AI developments, much like how each model (e.g. GPT-4o) has expanded on the capabilities of its predecessors. Looking into the not-so-distant future, imagine what GPT-14 would be capable of vs. GPT-4.

AI isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, and should not be treated solely as a technology problem. Rather than adopting AI for its own sake, it’s vital to focus on strategic AI use cases that align with our specific business goals.

The Spectrum of AI Adoption in Financial Services: Where Companies Stand

In the financial services sector, firms vary significantly in their approach and adoption of artificial intelligence. This diversity is best understood through a spectrum of four distinct groups: Observers, Experimenters, Implementers, and Innovators. Each category not only defines the group’s current engagement with AI technologies but also underscores its strategic vision and operational readiness for future disruptions.




Many observers are choosing to wait for solid returns on investment (ROI) potential and clearer technology convergence before diving into AI. While this cautious stance lets them learn from early adopters, it risks putting these FIs behind competitors who are seizing AI-driven advantages now.


Experimenting (FIs) are cautiously dipping their toes into AI through small-scale projects and pilot programs, testing the waters to gauge capabilities and potential benefits without diving into full-scale implementation. This approach nurtures a culture of learning and adaptability, but without a comprehensive strategy, its impact and scalability may remain limited.


Implementers are more advanced in their AI journey, embedding AI systems within specific departments and processes to generate tangible business value. These FIs are building significant AI capabilities and gaining advantages in differentiation and operational efficiency. However, their challenge is to scale these benefits across the entire organization to prevent siloed success and ensure widespread impact.


Innovators are embedding comprehensive AI strategies across their business models, reshaping their operations and potentially revolutionizing the financial services industry for a powerful competitive edge. However, this ambitious approach comes with heightened risks and substantial investments, making the journey to success both challenging and uncertain.

Competitive AI Landscape: Lessons from Canada’s Big Financial Institutions 

As mid-sized FIs consider the question of AI, it’s crucial to recognize the significant strides made by Canada’s largest banks. Notably, three of the Big Five banks are ranked among the top ten globally for AI maturity [4], showcasing their leadership in using AI to transform financial services. Here’s how some of these banks are creating competitive advantage with AI: 

Ranked among the top three globally for AI maturity, RBC owns Borealis AI, a dedicated research institute. It has launched AI-driven products like Aiden for trading and NOMI for personal finance management, and utilizes AI to enhance internal processes and modernize legacy systems. 
With its AI R&D center, Layer 6, TD has grown its AI talent to over 200 professionals and is developing over 50 AI solutions across its business lines. It is the leading patent filer in AI among  Canadian FIs (450+ AI-related patent filings) and uses predictive AI models to pre-approve mortgages in seconds, demonstrating a strong commitment to integrating AI across its operations.[5]
Winner of the Best Gen-AI Initiative by The Digital Banker 2024, CIBC has developed its own custom built ‘CIBA AI system to improve productivity and enable staff to focus on high-value activities. The introduction of tools like GitHub CoPilot boosts developer efficiency, and the bank plans to significantly expand its data and AI workforce by hiring 200+ related roles over the next 12 months.[6]
Scotiabank’s customer-facing AI chatbot handles 40% of queries with a 90% accuracy rate and has significantly sped up agent training. The bank has also launched a global AI platform to enhance customer insights across all touchpoints and employs large language models to improve employee experiences.[7]
BMO considers AI integral to its bank strategy. Its mobile app provides AI-driven personalized insights to improve customer engagement, its ‘Digital Workbench’ offers real-time analytics for commercial clients, and its contact centers’ service quality is boosted through NLP tech. Last year, it upskilled over 3,500 employees through learning & development programs centered on AI and cloud. Externally, BMO demonstrated commitment to AI by sponsoring the ‘Next AI accelerator.[8]


Strategic Imperative for Mid-Sized FIs 

The AI advancements by Canada’s largest banks illustrate a clear trend: AI is not just a technological upgrade but a strategic necessity. Mid-sized FIs must feel the urgency to not only catch up but also innovate beyond traditional models to remain competitive. The following strategic actions are recommended: 

  1. Rapid AI Adoption and Scale-Up: Mid-sized FIs need to prioritize AI adoption and seek opportunities to scale AI solutions across their operations quickly. 
  2. Focus on High-Impact AI Applications: Identify areas where AI can create significant value, such as enhancing customer experience, improving operational efficiency, and developing new financial products. 
  3. Invest in AI Talent and Partnerships: Expand internal capabilities by hiring AI specialists and consider partnerships with AI tech & services firms to leverage external expertise. 
  4. Monitor and Adapt Best Practices: Keep a close eye on industry leaders and continuously adapt their AI best practices to suit smaller scale operations and unique market demands. 


By embracing these strategies, mid-sized FIs can respond to the competitive pressures exerted by larger banks and carve out their own niche in the rapidly evolving financial landscape. 

Competitive AI Landscape: Lessons from Canada’s Big Financial Institutions 

As mid-sized FIs consider the question of AI, it’s crucial to recognize the significant strides made by Canada’s largest banks. Notably, three of the Big Five banks are ranked among the top ten globally for AI maturity [4], showcasing their leadership in using AI to transform financial services. Here’s how some of these banks are creating competitive advantage with AI: 

Ranked among the top three globally for AI maturity, RBC owns Borealis AI, a dedicated research institute. It has launched AI-driven products like Aiden for trading and NOMI for personal finance management, and utilizes AI to enhance internal processes and modernize legacy systems. 

With its AI R&D center, Layer 6, TD has grown its AI talent to over 200 professionals and is developing over 50 AI solutions across its business lines. It is the leading patent filer in AI among  Canadian FIs (450+ AI-related patent filings) and uses predictive AI models to pre-approve mortgages in seconds, demonstrating a strong commitment to integrating AI across its operations.[5]

Winner of the Best Gen-AI Initiative by The Digital Banker 2024, CIBC has developed its own custom built ‘CIBA AI system to improve productivity and enable staff to focus on high-value activities. The introduction of tools like GitHub CoPilot boosts developer efficiency, and the bank plans to significantly expand its data and AI workforce by hiring 200+ related roles over the next 12 months.[6]

Scotiabank’s customer-facing AI chatbot handles 40% of queries with a 90% accuracy rate and has significantly sped up agent training. The bank has also launched a global AI platform to enhance customer insights across all touchpoints and employs large language models to improve employee experiences.[7]

BMO considers AI integral to its bank strategy. Its mobile app provides AI-driven personalized insights to improve customer engagement, its ‘Digital Workbench’ offers real-time analytics for commercial clients, and its contact centers’ service quality is boosted through NLP tech. Last year, it upskilled over 3,500 employees through learning & development programs centered on AI and cloud. Externally, BMO demonstrated commitment to AI by sponsoring the ‘Next AI accelerator.[8]


Strategic Imperative for Mid-Sized FIs 

The AI advancements by Canada’s largest banks illustrate a clear trend: AI is not just a technological upgrade but a strategic necessity. Mid-sized FIs must feel the urgency to not only catch up but also innovate beyond traditional models to remain competitive. The following strategic actions are recommended: 

  1. Rapid AI Adoption and Scale-Up: Mid-sized FIs need to prioritize AI adoption and seek opportunities to scale AI solutions across their operations quickly. 
  2. Focus on High-Impact AI Applications: Identify areas where AI can create significant value, such as enhancing customer experience, improving operational efficiency, and developing new financial products. 
  3. Invest in AI Talent and Partnerships: Expand internal capabilities by hiring AI specialists and consider partnerships with AI tech & services firms to leverage external expertise. 
  4. Monitor and Adapt Best Practices: Keep a close eye on industry leaders and continuously adapt their AI best practices to suit smaller scale operations and unique market demands. 


By embracing these strategies, mid-sized FIs can respond to the competitive pressures exerted by larger banks and carve out their own niche in the rapidly evolving financial landscape. 


In the rapidly evolving landscape of financial services, mid-size FIs face a critical juncture. Embracing AI is no longer optional but a strategic imperative to stay competitive and responsive to market demands. Blanc Labs, with its deep experience assisting mid-size FIs, understands the transformative opportunities AI can offer— from enhancing operational efficiency to personalizing customer interactions and pioneering new business models. As technological advancements accelerate, it is crucial for mid-size FIs to act swiftly to harness these capabilities. By proactively implementing AI, your institution can secure a competitive edge, drive innovation, and ensure sustainable growth in an increasingly dynamic market. The time to act is now—let’s seize the opportunity to redefine the future of financial services together. 

The next article in this series will share real-world AI use cases in financial services, and set up a rigorous framework for identifying and prioritizing the highest value applications of AI for mid-sized FIs.

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