Banking, Done Right
The future of banking is collaborative and dynamic. Financial services firms must evolve their enterprise DNA in order to adapt to shifts in society, culture, technology, and the economy.

In the past, banking was synonymous with long queues at the branch, endless forms, and time consuming approval processes. Times have changed. The great unbundling of financial services is upon us. The “one-stop shop” approach to providing financial services has given way to “there’s an app for that” which focuses on providing the right service closest to the customers point of need. Embedded finance is a trend that will surely continue focusing on integrating financial services tools directly in other services like payments, insurance, etc.
Depending on your core business offering and competitive advantage, banks and FI’s must adopt a strategy and technology approach to compete in this new environment.
A New Era Requires a New Approach
Our experience working with FI’s on their transformation journey provides a unique perspective on how banks can achieve a no-regrets approach to achieving their objectives. We’ve developed these core competencies to maximize the value we offer clients.
Core Banking
Financial institutions must revamp their core banking systems to participate in the changing financial ecosystem. Blanc Labs provides the expertise, technologies, and capabilities to analyse and upgrade core banking systems to increase effieciency and productivity, reduce time to market, and create better customer experiences.
Composable Banking
Banks need to keep pace with fintechs and neobanks if they want to stay competitve. One way to speed up the launch of new products and services is adopting composable architecture. Our approach to digital transformation is based on the MACH principles: Microservices, API First, Cloud Native, and Headless, making it possible for banks to have better control over their product roadmap and faster release cycles.
Open Banking and Open Finance
Regulatory and market forces are paving the way for consumer-directed finance. Open banking and open finance will require financial institutions to form strategic partnrships with third parties and create platform-based distribution models. With our expertise in platform integration and API management, we can help you navigate the journey to open banking.
API Management
In the new era of banking, where data will be shared within and between organizations, APIs are the currency to deliver new products and services. Blanc Labs has proven expertise in building and integrating components into core systems using APIs. Our approach encompasses the entire API Management cycle starting with API integration readiness and ending with monetization.
Building the Business Case for Banking Transformation

Building the Business Case for Banking Transformation
How fast banks with an ecosystem approach have grown in annualized returns.1
103 NPS Differential
The NPS score differential between customers who feel their banks interact with them based on knowing who they are, or not.2
The growth anticipated in API calls generated by Open Banking by 2027.3
Small business owners consider themselves heavy users of fintech for both personal and business needs.4
Building the DNA of a Digital Bank
Delivering next-generation banking experiences requires a multi-threaded approach. We work with clients to build strategies that highlight their unique offerings and competitive advantages, and unlock new capabilities to deliver services and evolve how they create value for their customers.
Core systems that are built or support independent modules that can be easily upgraded, swapped and integrated.
Customer experiences that are individually tailored across touch points, rooted in customer data insights using advanced analytics. Based on what you know about me as a customer, put the right product, offer, and price in front of me at the right time.
Connect banking systems and leverage automation to deliver more efficient and seamless customer experiences and operational activities.
Integration ready FI’s are better able to partner within the ecosystem to deliver an expanded range of services in order to meet the rapidly evolving needs of customers.